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○■ そろそろ蝋梅の黄 い花も咲き... Gradually, also the flower the wax plum yellow has started blooming, but it probably is to be cold after all even at the place where per day is good
○■ そして高麗神社横 旧高麗家住... And crimson plum of old Empire of Korea house residence of the Empire of Korea shrine side
○■ Category “after the goi ng on a journey the up-to-date article fall of the mother of” full enjoyment - (the @^^) you rejoice also/~~~ today, - (the @^^) the/~~~ steadily in day of full load season with run the sharing of the specific medicine even in you (the @^^)/~~~ recent condition report - (the ^^) v
○■ 昨日の寒の入りで これからま... However with the coldly entering of yesterday, the forecast where more and more cold becomes harsh from now on has come out, the many flowers have been attached to the wax plum of the ball which is positive
○■ 蝋梅や、梅・・・ 種類は同じ... The wax plum and the plum…, as for type although it is the same expectation, expression is different extremely depending upon the place where it has bloomed,
○■ 花芯部が紅紫の和 梅
花芯部... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ Because there is a point whose both either appearance is good and a point which becomes matter of concern it is difficult to choose, is
○■ なんと「蝋梅」が 空に花び... How, the “wax plum” is cold in the sky the petal [ho] time, the [se] [te] it is
○■ ロウバイはまだ・ ・満開とはい... Low bi- however still… the full bloom you could not say
○■ 昭和記念公園では 梅が咲き... When with the Showa commemoration park the wax plum produced to bloom with the feeling to which even never, the pleasure gets near the one step the shank
○■ At the grounds of the Has e temple as for the flower wood well enough having bloomed, to crimson plum white plum that the wax plum
○■ ロウバイ(蝋梅) ロウバイ... The low bi- (wax plum) the yellow flower Sawayama blooms the time where low bi- course it starts being cold, but this year bloom of the element heart wax plum stays lately
○■ 梅園脇の蝋梅はま 満開を保ち... The wax plum of plum garden side maintained the full bloom still, also the garden western element heart wax plum saw and became time
○■ 今日は暖かったけ ど、明日か... Because however warm you applied, you call today from tomorrow, in addition that the harsh large cold wave comes, this good weather fortunately eos5dⅱYou brought up
○■ The secret crimson which does not make the band of popularity article solid color of this [burogu] the relations staying color of the circle of day… enjoys woven color
○■ <It blooms in the east side slope, the “harmony wax plum” (the left) with the “full moon wax plum” (the right) >
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