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    Nature related words Narcissus Adonis Coldest season Prunus mume Nagatoro shiraume

    • Es kennzeichnet den Ton der Glocke als der Körper und versucht
      Wenn wird Mitte (1/8 Tage) von drei nachfolgenden Feiertagen der letzten Woche, der Glocke 撞 Hallenberg, der in der Saitama-Präfektur Yorii Cho (Höhe 330m) zu ihr ist, durch das ruhige Wetter, frei und leicht geht das Dorf von der Linie Yorii Station in Bezug auf das Tobu nach Osten bevorzugt, wenn die Wachspflaume, die den süßen Duft schießt (Wachszeit) die gelbe Blume „besiegt wird und was den sexagenary Zyklus anbetrifft von klarem dieses Jahr 辰 mit dem Begriff tut, der, wo Sie sagen, die Yorii Nachbarschaft entsprechend 12 Stützschutzhauptbild des Buddha-heiligen Platzes“ der korrekte Drachetempel des 辰 Jahres (und [yo] [u] [ri] [yu] hat Made) zum Ton der großen Glocke, die besiegt wird, unregelmäßig widergehallt und schaut um den Glockenturm, der das groundsSo, nur das, Glocke 撞 frei anzubeten, ausrichtendes I zu sein sofort war, die große Glocke „ist [O] [O] [O] [O] [O] [O] [O], ist ~ das ~“ 撞 nachdem der Effekt, zum als das Moment herrlicher zu sein, deren, wenn er in der Seite der Glocke ist, mit dem Gefühl, das den Ton der Glocke zum gesamten Körper gießt, Antrag ist das merkwürdige Teilnahmemitglied des Gefühls gute Qualitätswar- es, der korrekte Anleitungstempel des Kindjahres ([ze] ist es wie [ji]), abgehangen dem Dach, zum zu sehen

    • 蜡时间

    • En cuanto a la aldea del retratamiento raro anticipado del alcohol del paso del capital uno del 瑠 del paquete
      En cuanto al primer del lugar del torneo magnífico del sumo 11mo día hoy, con el 鵬 blanco del conflicto de la victoria llegó a ser ayer repentinamente divertido del hecho que lo derrota lo hace, pero el capital del 瑠 del paquete del presente no hizo la toma de Fuji del caballo del día de la lucha de sumo con la perforación intensa que empujaba y perforada bajo anillo redondo de la arena y no la lanzó y por una cierta ocasión contaba con al socio del campeón del sumo donde está buena la aldea del alcohol raro de la derrota que protege cantidad completa del desafío de la victoria al 鵬 blanco del campeón del sumo por una parte últimamente, pero el campeón del sumo demuestra la naturaleza de la cuerda y gana de forma aplastante y exhibe la diferencia del caso y protege derrota en cuanto a la aldea del alcohol raro del conflicto de la victoria ahora con el que se caiga en cuanto al capital del 瑠 del paquete del lugar, el 鵬 blanco pero aspecto de la competencia unívoca cuando usted ve de alcohol, parece que la posibilidad de la victoria completa de la victoria del capital del 瑠 del paquete es visible débilmente el ciruelo de la cera que las caras comenzaron los 2 monocíclicos ruedan y [ho] mida el tiempo de [BI], pero suelte, él es el largo en la clase que viene de cosa que esté consiguiendo cerca con seguridad

    • Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
      Es ist der Wachspflaume Imai [Chi], DREPT (das ´ε `u.) HKRPT, das es der Hut ist, den dieses Käufe, die Tangerinesternperson, in denen es eine Süßigkeit in der Rückseite gibt und [MA] inhaliert und sagt oder zusätzlich Geschenk ist (das ≧∇≦)

    • В Киото
      Друг младшего времени средней школы, [высоко] быть, утро правильно встречи чествования перемещая с станцией Токио куда светлый дождь упал, когда вы взойдете на борт к Shinkansen, смотрящ [ho] [tsu] взаимную сторону, для проверки силы, до тех пор пока оно не приедет к Киото для того чтобы rejoice реюньон, потому что пока встречающ на некоторое время, посетил большой votive висок Shimizu изображения и бурную гору святыни которая начинает и кончается к недавнему отчету о условия в взаимном независимом путешествии и изучению перемещая, этого времени Kitano Tenma ↑, как для святыни Kitano Tenma которая сжата до 2 места Kitano Святыня Tenma и восточный висок Бог как изучение как для нас повторяя год к успеху изучений слишком чрезмерно, unrelatedlyWith близкое поколение хотя бы «изучают успех» внучат, дня который помолил будущее внучат влюбленности с 2 людьми Киото как для восточного виска которому он посещает затем сливу воска святыни Tenma светлого дождя будет поражено в дожде вы воздерживаетесь от первого большого учителя в на другой день, после смотреть башню quintuple национального сокровища которое делает подготовку где магазин как стойл улицы аранжирует стрехи, она которое смотрит на к Кобе [watashi] как для гулять любимейшее на другой день

    • Wax plum (wax time) and snow, a liberal translation
      Du minuit d'hier pariant sur l'aube tôt de présent, quant à la zone environ 4cm de Kanto et au matin quand la neige inattendue l'a accumulée a bien éclairci, mais la neige gelant, il est devenue [l'état de zarame], le JR ligne de Musashino qui court la proximité est devenu comment l'impassability, la fleur de la prune de cire qui avec soin spécial fleurit là est non avec quelque chose, se refroidit ainsi à l'article à jour Yuki de catégorie et de popularité « de fleur » de gâteau de Noël d'article de ceci [burogu] « du village du côté rouge de matin de gloire de plateau occidental de Shinshu Ina », de votre voisinage soumis de dahlia d'empereur de la fleur 3 [buke] du petit chrysanthemum l'image du Munk de redécouverte de temps… (10) de déplacement paysages pittoresques sud-américains de musée national d'beaux-arts d'Oslo des trois grands… la terre [du mur en pierre de poissons de nasuka] de l'aquarium de bord de la mer de Kasai de canal de photo de ceci [burogu] de l'image, diagramme occidental, Hokuriku de déplacement de l'île de Taketomi, festival rose de la vieille chute de déplacement de jardin de Furukawa de l'hiver

    • Flower and low of greens bi-
      Цветок и пчела вощиют сливу резиденции дома Ogata зеленых цветов (низкого уровня цветок и слива воска зацветая зеленых цветов в саде bi-) старой, низкого уровня который чистый bi- вы вызвали очень и благоухание сделало, последняя статья [nishikigi] и категория цветка камелии [aomoji] «» (brim оно приходит) 10 тысяч цветки mini- розового зеленых цветов (caltrop воды человека) славолюбия статьи камня залы виска празднества сперва большого этого [burogu] (гора Ichimaru южной комнаты вся) невыдержанность корабля сопроводителя будя (на заливе Tateyama) встречу дня рождения [chiba] (в городе Kanaya Hukutsu рыбы… Канал фото Tateyama 2011 этого [burogu] enshrining 2010 и [wa] оно оно ждать, (город Tateyama) 2011 и [wa] оно оно ждать, торжество 2010 Heguri

    • Walking of 23 days (Kitano Tenma shrine - thousand these explanation/releasing 迦 halls)
      When you awakened from nap, because it was clear, combining walking, because it goes to the pharmacy of the white plum town crossover which goes to shopping if as for day after tomorrow 25 day which passes through halfway Tenzin in today when also the grounds and the going/participating road etc here are crowded “first Tenzin” whether quiet also approximately the crowd which you think goes to Tenzin which is, current time walking after all the shank vaguely with the plum, is useless, but while searching, you are walking with some book, because it had started blooming even with the botanical garden and the Imperial palace which can find the plum tree has started blooming, the wax plum which is not the amount wound which has not bloomed in Tenzin of the place of interest of the plum the year openingBecause early you observed at that it has bloomed, today as for the back which you try taking as for the crimson plum which as usual is the fishing light basket of [kinkira

    • Jiro persimmon field of winter vacation, a liberal translation
      A vila do caqui, igualmente o caqui de Tomizawa Jiro está no meio de hibernating, a decoração moderna da categoria do weblog do artigo “” umas do dragão do rio de Warasina da manhã dia de ano novo pequeno do ano novo da ameixa fresca da cera da neve da manhã

    • Buddha's word
      Verweisen Sie das Auge auf den Fehler von anderen anderen, die tun, das Auge verweisen Sie auf, ohne das Handeln durch seins, das einfach tut, um anzustarren gerade die Tatsache, dass Sie nicht was Fotokanal anbetrifft hundert Tageshochrot der trinkenden [edenbutan] Ruhe des Popularitätsartikel-Tees diese [burogu] von dieser [burogu] der Türnotstand Gott-Wachspflaume des aktuellen Artikeltees trinkenden [edenbutan] ruhigen „weblog“ Naturschleppseilahornholz Internationalausstellung der Kategorie der nichtigen taten

    • Please input the title of the article (necessity)
      The friends coming, when it becomes round and is barrel foot warmer kana January 17th retirement age but the mah-jongg companion whom you swear that you probably will often do in the time crushing, was, the dream deteriorates and the [tsu] it is worry and the like to the child who starts becoming care and care of the spouse who has been convinced that maintenance of the body of plural illness breath disasters, it is vigorous mutually becomes the [tsu] [te] long, and the like and as for topic of the companion who sometimes gets together, with each other and first haiku gathering of yesterday when health state of the companion almost becomes, nearly 10 years the phrase teacher who receives the doctrine in New Year because the healthy first road which could inform retirement is chosen is, freshlyOneself looks back at the body, up-to-date article wax plum daytime Noboru [bu] winter day shining early flowering Suisen first go meeting “of weblog” category

    • Water greens, a liberal translation
      The wood and the grass to do to sow our in the end seasoning garden, water greens being brought up [te] green self-abandonment to do, current time most plants to wither, even that strong weed to wither, it has ended being, because the water greens which I sow the [me] [tsu] [po] [u] are resistant to the water greens [tsu] [te] cold which the bud blowing vigorously is brought up to the field in the small garden of the pad, when it does not change completely even at the morning when it is cold shank zero below, in this time where the green which is not the times when clean green is lost is little in the north wind the [wa] the [wa] the green of the water greens which shake, refreshing you cannot say at all you deliver Fragrance of photograph 聚 paradise wax plum of actual friend of up-to-date article china city liquidambar “of weblog” category, a liberal translation

    • Scud
      La nube de la nieve de la nube baja rasgó el kana que era bajo, pesadamente así que está, en el otro lado de la categoría hasta la fecha del weblog de la nube del artículo “” que se convirtió en el cielo brillante brillante del ciruelo de la cera del desayuno

    • The old calendar New Year ○● opening, you question with the [me], it is!!
      Today when 2012 January 23rd 睦 month new moon sun and month and the earth assemble to the straight line being exciting from the last night when more and more truly is New Year's Day of the old calendar, new year starts, while bustling everyone looking at the dream which is assembled, that it occurs, semi- sleep when it has not known whether you sleep, “everyone is accustomed happily way,” “everyone becomes happy way,”, prayed many degrees and many degrees and, the New Year when day and month climb together, the instant of the first sunrise, opening the shoji, while being wrapped in the futon, (laughing) Exceeding the small world which the dust extremely was watched, the sun which is the father of solar system, the month when it is the mother, the earth which is Aiko, the instant which becomes with one with love well well always one, a liberal translation

    • In thumb [akagire] of three places
      Estar diário frio, quanto para ao mérito da pata - este inverno o diretamente frio [ho] e outro, ao estar dos 2 dias um dia morno do mesmo, aproximadamente 1 dia frios e entrou, você não pensa? embora - esse é, conseqüentemente diretamente é diretamente frio, continuação consultiva seca, ele aumenta, - com a máscara, este polegar, veja por favor, - em 3 lugares [akagire] ir/que participa [tsu] [qui] [ya] [u] entretanto - não há nenhuma ameixa da cera, ele está rapidamente - - - mornos [com referência a

    • weblog title
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      kanji character , original japanese letters , translated

    • Japanese Letter
      issue , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      belief , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      大量的日本當前主題 , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      日本語 , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      kanji , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      Opinion , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Nihongo , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      En japones , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      Em japones , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog

    • Japanese Letter
      En japonais , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      日語句子 , Japanese talking

    • Лоснисто!
      Образ подрезать который как когда много цветков были прикреплены плох после всех от last year сливы воска этого года, никудышного как… (естественно…) цветок лоснисто

    • Westen und Ost
      Teilen Sie Menge in Paragraphen ein, wenn Jahreszeit auf Grenze sich bewegt und [tsun] oder [Gu] ich, dem auch das Muster des Speichers ein kleines es ist geändert wurde und [MA] [tsu] wie dieses leere, positive im Früjahr glänzen gießend, also es aus, zieht die Blume von der Kamelie, die in der Wachspflaume herrlich gehalten wird, auszieht, die Musik, die vom Westen [bezüglich] [te] die Schlaufen kommt, die, es ist

    • Japanese weblog
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Это мнение , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      Essa opiniao , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      Comentarios sobre este , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      japanese means , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      impressions , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      kanji character , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      issue , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      belief , Feel free to link

    • Japanese Letter
      大量的日本當前主題 , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      日本語 , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      kanji , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      Opinion , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      Nihongo , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      En japones , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Em japones , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking

    • weblog title
      En japonais , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      日語句子 , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      Это мнение , Feel free to link

    • Japanese Letter
      Essa opiniao , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Comentarios sobre este , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      japanese means , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      During the morning when it has become calm New Year's Day to the “noisy forest” the gold 柑, Sazanka and the wax plum etc have attached the flower and the truth to also the garden of the pad where also the Suzuka Fujiwara peak where Ibukiyama is visible has worn the snow from the window of the pad where Mt. Ontake and the Ena mountain which on the way entitle the snow on the middle which goes out to walking are visible

    • Japanese weblog
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      kanji character , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      issue , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      belief , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      大量的日本當前主題 , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      日本語 , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      kanji , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Opinion , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      Nihongo , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      En japones , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      Em japones , Feel free to link

    • Japanese Letter

    • original letters
      En japonais , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      日語句子 , please visit the following link

    • [zu] seeing
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon original meaning

    • The Tsukuba mountain… [gatsutsuri] you walked and turned
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , for multilingual communication

    • Everyday vain nature
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , linked pages are Japanese

    • The spring it went to searching
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , Japanese talking

    • Spring it came, (- ^ 〇 ^-)
      Это мнение , please visit the following link

    • December 28th low bi-
      Essa opiniao , original meaning

    • 20,101,212 (month) large furnace
      Comentarios sobre este , for multilingual communication

    • Low bi- 3 kinds Chimonanthus praecox
      japanese means , linked pages are Japanese

    • Spring [doko]?
      impressions , Japanese talking

    • Direction modification of walking road
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , please visit the following link

    • Winter arrangement of Showa commemoration park broadleaf tree
      kanji character , original meaning

    • Fragrance
      issue , Feel free to link

    • The truth of the wax plum (the 蒴 fruit)… becoming net 々, the macro ♪ ②
      belief , linked pages are Japanese

    • Year you open, early
      大量的日本當前主題 , Japanese talking

    • [soshinroubai
      日本語 , please visit the following link

    • Low of the pad the bi- flower starts blooming,…!
      kanji , original meaning

    • Asahi medium ♪
      Opinion , for multilingual communication

    • The lens of Nikon D80, again repair!!
      Nihongo , linked pages are Japanese

    • Wax plum
      En japones , Japanese talking

    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hiramekarei/e/dd23de40ce38d35a103f5334e0058426
      Em japones , please visit the following link

    • Wax plum (wax time)

    • Warmth Kitano Tenma shrine about of one wheel
      En japonais , for multilingual communication

    • Showa commemoration park 1
      日語句子 , linked pages are Japanese

    • This year the wax plum bloomed!
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon Japanese talking

    • The swan (2010 January 30th Saturday)
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , please visit the following link

    • The wax plum bloomed
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , original meaning

    • Thousand ten thousand
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , Feel free to link

    • Wax plum of year-end
      Это мнение , linked pages are Japanese

    • Dream of cat…
      Essa opiniao , Japanese talking

    • The ~ which is the heavy rain.
      Comentarios sobre este , please visit the following link

    • [otsushiyoi]!!
      japanese means , original meaning

    • Garden of this month   
      impressions , for multilingual communication

    • original letters
      kanji , Japanese talking

    • Japanese weblog
      日語句子 , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      belief , linked pages are Japanese

    • Japanese Letter
      日本語 , linked pages are Japanese

    • Starting - that 2
      En japones , for multilingual communication

    • Coldly entering

    • Japanese Letter
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , linked pages are Japanese

    • ¿Hoy?
      Em japones , please visit the following link

    • Japanese talking
      kanji , please visit the following link

    • Japanese talking
      Nihongo , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      Nihongo , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      日本語 , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese weblog
      Comentarios sobre este , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese talking
      impressions , please visit the following link

    • original letters
      En japonais , Japanese talking

    • weblog title

    • Japanese talking
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , please visit the following link

    • White month - 1
      日本語 , please visit the following link

    • Japanese Letter
      kanji character , linked pages are Japanese

    • North Kamakura 浄 Satoshi temple _ Meigetu institute: 20100130
      japanese means , Japanese talking

    • Japanese Letter
      En japonais , linked pages are Japanese

    • 3rd snow
      大量的日本當前主題 , original meaning

    • weblog title
      En japones , original meaning

    • Anpachi hundred plum garden 5
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , Japanese talking

    • Akima plum forest 2
      issue , Japanese talking

    • Grass flower Saharu compilation of garden

    • Japanese talking
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , please visit the following link

    • Japanese weblog
      impressions , original japanese letters , translated

    • original letters
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , Japanese talking

    • Japanese weblog
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , for multilingual communication

    • original letters
      Opinion , Japanese talking

    • weblog title
      kanji character , original meaning

    • Japanese talking
      Opinion , please visit the following link

    • Hay fever? ?
      Это мнение , please visit the following link

    • 10 million yen annual income slightly

    • 宝登山へ
      kanji character , linked pages are Japanese

    • 雪はこんこ
      Em japones , linked pages are Japanese

    • 【続き】小平の里の蝋梅・鍾乳洞の
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , Japanese talking

    • ろうばい(4)
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , please visit the following link

    • 1/23 浜離宮へ
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , original meaning

    • 自宅で手打ちそば
      Это мнение , for multilingual communication

    • 花(1/28)
      Essa opiniao , linked pages are Japanese

    • 「裏イヂ」と「庭イヂ」☆
      Comentarios sobre este , Japanese talking

    • 考えた割には・・・
      japanese means , please visit the following link

    • 蝋梅(ろうばい)
      impressions , original meaning

    • 春が待ち遠しい!
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , original japanese letters , translated

    • 宝登山1
      kanji character , linked pages are Japanese

    • 長瀞の蝋梅園
      issue , Japanese talking

    • 宝登山4
      belief , please visit the following link

    Chimonanthus, Nature,

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