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○■ モモンガのぬいぐ みをカニバサ... Sewing [momonga], involving the crab scissors =3 where it increases (^o) furthermore as for the bed
○■ The [chi] [bi] simply, it encountered [momonga], today day Fumiko's of culture being day, as for the ~ birthday wave of shank never encounter or the ~ and others ~ however it was [hiza], the [te] it is the lever will not, this year when you think that it was day when it is not forgotten with [ikeikedondon] the request stripe - byaneblo which is done
○■ そういえば昨日は ワイトデーだ... Don't you think? so if you said, yesterday was white day
○■ 昨日の朝、まだか ーまだかな... Morning of yesterday, still kana - still kana - the [tsu] [te] waits the thing, a liberal translation
○■ The doubt has surfaced, a s for the actual bee [ya] seeing there is no female something, don't you think? it is the male [tsu] [te] of [hukuromomonga] which is, the head coming off, the [ru, a liberal translation
○■ 前回はメンバー5 の中でラン... The last time in member 5, it was the system which is distributed to random, but this time. Having writing name, when after that 洸 with it is the flow w previous system, contact time, it hit mainly 洸, furthermore it is large, rather than the friend, with saying, perhaps someone among woman member 4 other than 洸 it has the voice of dissatisfaction from the woman fan which did not hit, a liberal translation
○■ タグ: darker tha... T ag: Saiga 秀 trust water tree Nana animation picture [kiyapu] synopsis [netabare] flower 澤 fragrance greens Kiuti contractor of twins black of the twins darker than black meteor of the darker than black meteor you see and are attached Kuwasima Noriko 蘇 芳 purple 苑 in the street corner of the lie your smile
○■ [suou] has died 8 years a go!? If as for truth and [suou] which the mother and the flax child reveal 2 years ago you know [tsu] [te] already it has died 8 years ago just it probably is what thing what, but it is, [tsu] [te] of year ago?? Is the [tsu] lever, 2 years ago, the meteor falling, when [shion] becomes the contractor, that memory like [suou] and [shion] stay together probably no what?
○■ ガープ中将、イン ルダウンで... [gapu] lieutenant general, it meets to the ace with in Pell down
○■ この温泉には昨年 良く来てた... Because last year however it has come well, you grew tired of this hot spring as expected, as for me as for coming February, a liberal translation
○■ 「もう一回やるか その時は忘... “Because one time you do already, but in order not to forget, the [tsu] [te] you write that time” it is second time was just digital wowow, it is orz which is
○■ “It is what? [koitsu] ” “it is no [tsu] [te] multiple-unit steerable antenna rust”, “… [momonga]” “well [koitsu] and the [do] - the cancer/gun attaching in we,…” it met to previous life “even with grudge, it is it is not or, -?”
○■ (北川さんがそう ってたの)... (Kitagawa so you say), a liberal translation
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