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○■ akb medley the highest!!, a liberal translation
○■ [cd+dvd] バンザイv... [cd+dvd] [banzai] venus (typea) (dvd you attach) [cd+dvd] [banzai] venus (typeb) (the dvd attaching), a liberal translation
○■ 8th rank let me do!! - [s uhuia, a liberal translation
○■ とりあえずチャー チェック... Chart check is advanced temporarily
○■ The 須 rice field comes to under higher rank and so is
○■ やっぱりこういう 像を見ると... After all when you look at such image, it stops wanting to look at theater performance
○■ And, it stopped formally
○■ skeの松井珠理奈さ とその... The Matsui of ske 珠 Rina and that rival Matsui 玲 奈 perhaps either fight, there is the large reversal like last year,, a liberal translation
○■ It probably becomes the c herry tree, (the first limited board type-a) (dvd you attach) from the brand-new price ¥1,314 (2011/2/244: 32 point in time) weekend not yet (dvd you attach) (type-a) from the brand-new price ¥1,269 (2011/2/244: 32 point in time) [banzai] venus (typea) (dvd you attach) from the brand-new price ¥1,269 (2011/2/244: 32 point in time)
○■ 研究生 1st「partyが ...
○■ チーム大人「中学 の時、流行っ...
○■ その他 : 0-2 (リバ バ...
○■ 2011年02月26日(土)1...
○■ May be linked to more d etailed information..
○■ ■2011年(16) 20...
○■ * Start of sale/end time, there is a possibility of inverting from circumstance of the day
○■ ※開催日時、場所 参加メンバー... * There are times when it becomes modification opening day and time, the place, the participation member, in regard to contents
○■ * As for your [netabare] taboo please do not see, a liberal translation
○■ skeが7/27に新曲『パ レオ... ske puts out new tune '[pareo] and the emerald' to 7/27, so is!! It stops title delicate wwwww [a] [a] ~ consecution, the [e] ~ (; ' The melon `), not yet through doing temporarily, ske transfers to kana and that avex which it takes precedence, so is, but accidentally, thing of arm ske, such a information of the cod is flowing today has prepared normal news item is the oven [yu] [yu] which is becomes center, concerning inspecting because such a information appeared, it makes wwwwwwww tomorrow, (; ^ω^) bwwwwwwww, a liberal translation
○■ mapfan for iphone● exec ution period: 2011 March 18~31 day- Price: Usually 2300 Yen are gratuitous response↓ clicking, don't you think? ↓ girl age kara k-pop iphone iphone5 ipad ipad2 ngp 3ds psp xbox ps3 wii android Amazon skype yahoo! googleakb48 sdn48 ske48 nmb48 youtube happy animated picture stormy [monhan] Miho Hiroshima Okinawa, a liberal translation
○■ akb48 第2回じゃんけ ん大... Below it is reference the akb48 2nd it is [ke] it is concerning the analysis regarding the conference, a liberal translation
○■ 4/922: 01 you see more
○■ 3/29 16:16明日大学無 ... 3/2916: 16 tomorrow universities it was not
○■ 12 rank: Takajo sub- tree (team a: Last year 13 rank) 5096 votes, a liberal translation
○■ (´`)相変わらず 悪そうでし... (' `) as usual, badness so was, but
○■ It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ 初動売上げは 3.3万 枚... As for initial motion sale 3.3 ten thousand, a liberal translation
○■ This time oh it was victory
○■ 【送料無料】【生 真(楽天ヴ... Extermination black hair girl (type-a cd+dvd)