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○■ マルオのこぼれる が美しかっ... The tear where [maruo] spills was beautiful, is, a liberal translation
○■ So as for the person who is seen, feeling explosion of such a [maruo] strange feeling is felt in the part because? Actually, “[maruo] the parenthesis is good even around me as some one person
○■ でも、奏とマルオ これっきり... So, playing and [maruo] rust this [tsu] drill [tsu] [te] saying, something, don't you think? forcing and the ~
○■ そういえば土曜日 サムライハ... So if you say, Saturday the samurai high school starting, don't you think? that [me] [chi] [ya] of the [e] it is funny, inside we like, it starts from today, don't you think? it increases from Tokyo dogs now in the pleasure starting quickly, the [e] [e] [e] [e
○■ あっちいってくだ い あっち... That please say that go please go out go out the refuse
○■ The [a], at ~ 'Tokyo dogs ' other than also [sadawo] is lovely, at this turn declaration seeing, the only 'barren zone' we would like to see, you thought that is,
○■ 『東京dogs』で
神 とい... 'It seems that searches the person, in Tokyo dogs' Kamino, but (not being seen excessively is) [chiratsu] the rear form which appears, it is to be the air like Nakamura [tooru] does it does, but don't you think? whether the ~~ it is different, with it has come out, the potato? It appears in just the last time when, [so] [yu] [patan]?
○■ 昨 は、久々に「ス マスマ」... Previous after a long time “[sumasuma]”
○■ If I favorite the ...... [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ke] [te] say instead of without disliking vis-a-vis good fortune high Yuriko, it is there is no interest as the actress, but very much the impoliteness, you think that it is not agreeable yet, as the heroine who decorates month 9,
○■ 最近ドラマに出て す... Recently appearing in drama, it increases
○■ At the beginning this dra ma which is visible in [gudaguda], Oguri decade and the becoming deep of friendship of Mizusima [hiro], and the golden triangle of good fortune high Yuriko whom it should love in some [ma] created the feeling good world
○■ ミッチー効果でし うか(笑)... It is the [mitsuchi] effect or, w where the impression (laughing) also the distance two being reduced, being similar is funny, a liberal translation
○■ 「大人の癒しキャ のダッフィ... “[datsuhui] of healing [kiyara] of the adult” speaking, the [tsu] & oh properly laughed (the ^^) “with, being with such densely, when [datsuhui] you speak, more [datsuhui] is in popularity the [tsu] [chi] [ya] maggot [ya]” with the [tsu] & oh (laughing), a liberal translation
○■ 笑って、泣いて、 って、す... Laughing, crying, getting angry, the shank [te], it should love, it was the head house which it should love
○■ Also filming the silver s oul being decided in gw of next spring, it increases and! Whether (large-scale lie whether you thought but) (laughing) it cries it is, seeing, like thinking, doing it increases
○■ 小栗くんの23歳が 元気で... 23 years old of Oguri's, being vigorous, as been the happy 23 years old which are complete,
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