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○■ 【2009年秋まもなく 最終回... <2009 fall it is prompt the last time! Thought review classified by drama> ◎2010 year winter drama January period new drama cast official sight coming out orator subject song degree of expectation summary
○■ When also like “Riyuuma transmission” “heaven and earth person” makes, when after the kana which in addition is different, Abe of the “newcomer”, the back it is high after, phosphorus [chirin] “of the sweetheart of month” and, being the white skin and thinness after all, when Oguri lines up, the thing to be enormous the appearance being good, it becomes the beautiful picture, probably will be after, “gently not to be accustomed, when [rinda] part of the [te]” is Oguri, that how it will do (laughing)
○■ ちなみにウチのク スが最優秀で... By the way, class inside most is 3-b which is excellent, it is enormous, it was delightful, is
○■ �戻る
�my t me�20... The � �my time�2009 year December 07th returns (month)<(≧∀≦)> The [a] ##syserr## 21:15 which is Tokyo dogs: 09, a liberal translation
○■ [buroguneta]: Morning, wh at you drink? While participating as for me coffee group! Morning, what you drink the text from here? Because the water buffalo milk coffee fruit juice vegetable juice black tea green tea in addition Tokyo dogs you see, however you tried the bath probably to finish first…After all the [bo] - [tsu] and hey! hey! hey! You see the [wa]… which
○■ 東京dogs?ドッグズ ?do... Tokyo dogs? [dotsuguzu]? dogs? Although you saw, looking at that which is not remembered, the groovy note where for the first time thing of Oguri decade Mizusima [hiro] which you think that it is groovy, the time of May ry the parenthesis good copying [me] is enormous!! Calais which yesterday and Calais, today would like to die being Calais well and Calais it is, [chi]…Calais it is, [chi]…
○■ anatanoichiban suki na keiji dorama ha ���� taiyou nihoero ���ס� odoru dai sousa sen �ס� hagure keiji junjouha �ס� aibou �ס� toukyou dogs �� all
○■ 東京dogs=…これっ て、コン... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ ブログネタ:あな の好きな刑事... [buroguneta]: As for the criminal drama which you like? While participating I the [ho] obtain “in the sun!” Group! As for text from here
○■ all about「ドラマ」 ... The all about “drama” woman to fight, the man game ......The winter when the trap it is and the person is
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