- In newspaper [datsuhui, a liberal translation
http://ri77mint.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-01-29 “[datsuhui] of healing [kiyara] of the adult” speaking, the [tsu] & oh properly laughed (the ^^) “with, being with such densely, when [datsuhui] you speak, more [datsuhui] is in popularity the [tsu] [chi] [ya] maggot [ya]” with the [tsu] & oh (laughing), a liberal translation Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- Memory of thumb
http://jumbokuchibi.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-11-30 “The hawk and is the vodka is weaker, (Tetsuro by Kato)” with the [tsu] [te] feeling, also the most excellent old horse mare and the year typical horse are decided, the shelf, a liberal translation “El halcón y es la vodka es más débil, (Tetsuro de Kato)” con [tsu] [te] sensación, también la yegua vieja más excelente del caballo y se decide el caballo típico del año, el estante
- ドラマ語り☆2009秋&2010冬
http://private-eyes.at.webry.info/201001/article_9.html Also “sp”, considerably was riding in updraft, but because filming has been decided, leaving many puzzles, it was the dyspepsia rust También el “SP”, montaba considerablemente en corriente aérea ascendente, pero porque la película se ha decidido, dejando muchos rompecabezas, era el moho de la dispepsia
Tokyo DOGS, Drama,