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○■ 淡路島の名産で、 ちらの施設... With the special product of the Awazi island, with this facility nationwide production volume it have produced almost 80 percent, so is
○■ 品川からのぞみで 大阪へ、東... From Shinagawa with the desire to new Osaka, with the Tokaido Highway Sanyo main lane to Maiko, here climbing in strait Ohashi Akashi, by the high-speed bus the Awazi entering
○■ 今年の早春、妻の が亡くなり... The father of Saharu and the wife of this year died, a liberal translation
○■ The kana which becomes tr avelling which just a little is always different partly due to the infrequent Shinkansen? However the [tsu] [te] basis it does not change,… That hint? As for the bronze statue just a little it is not understood, don't you think? the [e
○■ またすぐにでも行 たいくらい... In addition the extent which would like to do even directly! How, it becomes the excessive air, don't you think?
○■ まあ心残りといえ 、雨が降っ... Well if you mentioned regret, although the rain fell and/or stopped and/or distantly the [ho] the [ho] crossed over densely at thing and with special care hot spring where weather now is [ichi], the combining which probably means that strait Ohashi's thing and Akashi which cannot receive the beer passage money was high
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