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○■ 今日の午後、民主 代表選の投票...
○■ 「日々暴論」カテ リの最新記...
○■ 小沢氏は海江田氏 持ですか・...
○■ 民主代表選なんて ってる場合な...
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○■ These are talking of Ja panese blogoholic.
○■ 民主党代表選挙は よいよ、明...
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○■ 「時事ネタ」カテ リの最新記...
○■ 民主党代表選挙も 主党内ではあ... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ 民主新代表に野田 決選投票で海... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ Yukio Hatoyama (62) 124 v otes acquired at the time of the Democratic party representation electing and Katuya Okada (55) acquired 29 vote differences and victory did
○■ [buroguneta]: When we ass ume that democracy typical selection, you vote, you vote to someone? While participating because as for me 菅 there is only a Naoto group 2 択, it chose, at least, ““you break and the dominant person of house” “feature” shadow” and so on and so on, various rumor facts do not become extinct, whether from “Ichiro Ozawa”, as for feeling anger the occasion where “Hatoyama extraterrestrial” by himself stops the prime minister, in the habit which also Ozawa makes stop, in the habit which also Assemblyman resignation advanced, this time why from that as for one time assuming, that it was hit with “woman problem”, the attitude which occasionally it is not clear very, “菅 Naoto” is better and probably is in support as for that “extraterrestrial” justHonesty you cannot permit the Assemblyman resigning now, now the [tsu], whichever becoming desired the party chief and the prime minister, don't you think? those where the Democratic party becomes the opposition party are problem of time
○■ Democracy representation election, we, appraisal
○■ In the joint press confer ence by the Democratic party typical selection candidate, 菅 Prime Minister Naoto like this requested to front Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa
○■ The Noboru platform it do es in the Democratic party temporary convention as a typical election candidacy, 菅 Prime Minister Naoto (the right) with at the hotel of Secretary General = Tokyo Minato-ku before Ozawa Ichiro 2010 September 14th Takeiti public filial piety photographing
○■ Front Secretary General I chiro Ozawa who runs in the Democratic party typical selection when on the 8th, the self representation (the prime minister) it is elected inside the National Diet according to the interview of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company, besides the fact that 菅 you join the Cabinet front Prime Minister prime minister and Hatoyama, Chairman Councilor sedan chair stone east appointed with responsible post and the like of the party, stated the thought of aiming toward whole party attitude
○■ Ozawa laughing, looking a t the [ru] photograph, the general droppings the [ri] returning, you have laughed, is, whether the [tsu
○■ If Ozawa is criticized, i t is recognized that you have become frightened to the shadow of extent and Ozawa who are done
○■ When we assume that ===== ============== democracy typical selection, you vote, you vote to someone?
As for poll result of >> everyone!?
菅 Naoto Ichiro Ozawa
○■ Noting the Democratic par ty representation election, for o and the k citizen by complicated opposition even in the night wonder
Democratic Party presidential election,