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○■ So if you say, if spring you mentioned the first blue flower, it was also such a
○■ しかし、案内して れた人は普... But, but as for the person who is guided the normal housewife, which wild grass hearing it is,, a liberal translation
○■ As for this (the top is b lue the flower where), already about 10 years ago are planted before the entryway those which with the ・・・㌧, a liberal translation
○■ この写真を撮って る時、何し... When taking this photograph, what it has done? Something you have searched? With voice could be used
○■ As for this orange poppy of double flower
○■ こういう過程を丁 に描いてく... The work which draws such process politely recently decreased don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ - The funny nail [yu] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] where the bearing cat you saw as for the blue flower 1 [wa] it is not seen, it is, the [tsu] [te] just a little waiting, why [] which becomes not to be the can [ji
○■ あーちゃんもふみ ゃんも京子... The [a] - also [hu] seeing also Kiyouko also the Sugimoto senior, should have become everyone happy
○■ If “the camera it shoul d have carried kana” a little you regretted ......, a liberal translation
○■ 「weblog」カテゴリ 最... Up-to-date article lan cable gateball conference “of weblog” category and support Toyota manufacturing system of target bird golf conference junior high school soccer and memory of body Kochi university cycling section of human, a liberal translation
○■ As for “blue”, we wit h the nature while keeping living, are the color which is easiest to adapt, a liberal translation
○■ | tb : 0... | tb: 0, a li beral translation
○■ Summer it planted under t he camellia, the yellow rose, “[sapuraizu]” bloomed
○■ 朝飯食べながら先 の検索ちゃ... While breakfast eating, you look at the search of last week
○■ This time being swift att ack, you inserted in the hand, a liberal translation
○■ まぁリアルタイム は見れない... , a liberal translation
○■ The [hu] [wa] the [a] plu g pie came to the house of the [hu] seeing well! Before the parent “the [hu] straw raincoat face to want stopping seeing,” the [tsu] [te, a liberal translation
○■ とりあえず次も見 みる... The next tries seeing temporarily, a liberal translation
○■ Something related to soil , the blue just flower, a liberal translation
○■ 杉本先輩もさ~、 んなに先生の... The Sugimoto senior if the ~, so the thing lover of the teacher, if you should not have abandoned it is!! It appears of the hand to the other woman and should not have been it is!!! [o] ~~~~~~!! DREPT (* `д´*) no 彡*
○■ Privately, remembering an ger, you sympathize to [ru] side
○■ アニメも最近は、 合系が大繁盛... Animation recently, lily system large prosperity
○■ It was good reviving in a ny case
○■ 「50cmくらい 高さで、青い... “With the height about of 50cm, those where the blue flower blooms”… with request of [watakushi] which is said, the phosphorus dough choice, a liberal translation
○■ The home patrolling from morning, it is the maple which it increases
○■ 東京マグニチュー 8.0... When major earthquake occurs in Tokyo magnitude 8.0 Tokyo, with like the animation which simulates the question, how the reality can be put out, but is probably game?
○■ The wind of the fall feel ing was good with infrequent cycling!
○■ とりあえず女性向 の作品らし... Temporarily because the work for the woman it seems, as for there all right kana
○■ So, as for my latest [ich ioshi
○■ それにしても不思 な形の花で... Nevertheless, it is the flower of strange shape, well