http://warito-nohtenki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-4fcf.html “Don't you think? it was good, -, you”, I narrowing the eye, however you see, buy the [a] -, with and, the garden plant, you want the ~, a liberal translation «Вы не думаете? было хорошо, -, вы», I суживая глаз, тем ме менее вы видите, покупаете [a] -, с и, завод сада, вы хотите ~
http://umi2.tea-nifty.com/cats/2011/03/post-8fa7.html “Inside earthquake and the tidal wave are set”, [burogu] curator ...... of the [pochi] friend thatAfter placing the article of the flower, became great thing «Установлены землетрясение внутренности и приливная волна», куратор [burogu] ...... thatAfter друга [pochi] устанавливая статью цветка, стали большой вещью
- Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kunoken999/25869318.html If “the camera it should have carried kana” a little you regretted ......, a liberal translation Если «камера оно должна носила kana» немного, то вы сожалели ......
- 友達の家を訪ねて・・・
http://mi-kan5806.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/post-28df.html “Someone the ~ which is” her it is to have become the noise which goes to calling, but the master who has gone out to golf returning, to the [te], being something which is not inserted in the house where we are the ~ which is to have been done field work Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
Aoi Hana, Anime, Manga,