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○■ 10キロの深さと震 地は、当... Depth and epicenter of 10 kilometers were judged, expressed, at the beginning that it is the south latitude 73.5 degree west sutra at 37.2 degrees, the center
○■ 余計な事思い出し り後悔した... Excessive thing you do not remember and/or do not regret and/or, either best step are not found and, it is misty, -
○■ Stage directions: a fire truck pulls up in front of susan's house. various neighbors watch as susan's house burns. *pulls up stops the fire truck which stops before the house of [suzan, a liberal translation
○■ テントには、船の 前など一切... Until, name and the like of the boat it is not altogether in the tent and clue of the [te] and warship side comes, when it is not understood it is guided to some boat even,
○■ なんでも、「あま に酔っぱら... Regardless, “excessively it had been intoxicated”, because, after being pulled to the train even, pain was almost not felt, it seems
○■ It does in the parenthesi s calling, the [yo]? It isn't stimulated? That some person it will make our ones, knowing, it increases, the fact that the method which produces the hand is but, because you do not hear a story that, mono it became, in our country as for the model which still is completed it is improbable
○■ とは云っても,カ ラーは下向... With saying, it has drooped the coupler to the downward look because and, there is the difference supporting in operation, just the enclosure part and the necessary part of exceeding removing, it means to throw away probably will be
○■ That time when this was m ade, it was trout creek the kit which the manufacturer which is said puts out (hon) with that, those which with winch circumstance become hon3 and hon30
○■ (ただ、翻訳はまだ 途中です... (Simply, translation still midway, a liberal translation
○■ The police pushes in the building of the fall and at several places of the city to which minute includes the bus the death definite
○■ 私はビデオでこの ースをしまし... I did this race/lace with video, a liberal translation
○■ これは、アメリカ アイドルのコ... This, looking at the contest of American idling, the person who really still can sing being forgetting, it is something the way
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