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○■ 今日のトッピング ・チーズ... Present topping cheese [rosukatsu] and with “Hatune [miku] project diva arcade” the [u] it is it is it is
○■ [buroguneta]: Actually Ca lais several days is tasty? While participating the combining which is after all second day, in Calais which remains, coco one [teikuauto] doing well, it increases, the Calais noodles even with the tastiness lunch (∀) to be good to do that [teikuauto] it does in vegetable Calais and the [a], to designate the present lunch [tsu] [chi] as Calais the [chi] [ya
○■ カレーとしては激 なので、物... Because sweetly it is intense as Calais, it is unsatisfactory, however it is, a liberal translation
○■ そんな言葉では表 ないくらい... In such a word the extent which cannot be displayed it is harsh
○■ After this, the Yokohama bridge shopping center the brassiere brassiere was done, but is, with the fish store over there. Observing at that the [hoya] shellfish about 5 of baskets is sold for 500 Yen, it received the shock, a liberal translation
○■ いつもお世話にな てます(^... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ 「食(料理など) カテゴリの... “Food () up-to-date article dressing and the like of category such as cooking”… ☆coco first house Calais burning side* * Ram meat vegetable frying* * Only silver phosphorus soaking* * Basilico chicken*, a liberal translation
○■ 「筋肉の名前なん も覚えてく... “Name what of the muscle you remember?” “The [tsu] and muscle, with muscle,” “the name [tsu] [te] of the muscle it is difficult, don't you think?
○■ “The Chinese noodles @ you eat and walk and” miso Chinese noodles @ Toyohashi city [kokoichi] of the up-to-date article luck Chinese noodles two river store/fixed turn of category/the Taiwan Calais beauty combination cottage/surprise bowl set @ Okazaki city oh clear up and the Obu store/attach the noodle super foolish quantity 8 foolish @ Obu city luck Chinese noodles foundation store/pig kim chee Chinese noodles lunch @ Toyohashi city
○■ 「ランチパック」 あのcoc... As for “lunch pack” that coco one pork Calais of supervision
○■ そして沢山の方と り合い繋が... And Sawayama's one you knew each other and also you were possible to be connected,
○■ “Therefore not being ab le to play hate” when is not and “and the tidal wave comes, how it does?” “The tidal wave is faster than the father, in the eldest son of 5 years old where you say that in the reason that it is”, we do not want going to the volunteer, realizing growth, a liberal translation
○■ 明日は、冷蔵庫の り物でカレー... With remaining ones of the refrigerator it will designate tomorrow, as Calais
○■ カレーハウスリオ ダブルカツカ... Therefore Calais house Rio [daburukatsukare] yesterday at the coco first house Calais it is eating out Calais with continuation 2 days
○■ とりあえず、ビッ ベイトでって... Temporarily, I whom it does not have with [tsu] [te] thing, to rob [motsuki] your with [bitsugubeito], striking the plain gauze Roe rear, in [ku] thing the ~, a liberal translation
○■ しかし、関西人は じとかもつが... But, the Kansai person has muscle, but don't you think? it is favorite what -
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