- Quantity of [kareru
http://katsu1.blog41.fc2.com/blog-entry-1787.html The plate which “was, saying, that please wait a little”, was lowered A placa que “era, dizer, aquela satisfaz espera pouco”, foi abaixada
- It is deep the [senkatsukare] circumstance vol.79 extra 塘 厦 compilation “Matuzaka” ★★★
http://kei-2.at.webry.info/201112/article_3.html When “me, you get married with the person of the name, Kobayashi, it becomes Kobayashi Kobayashi [tsu] [te] name, it is Quando “eu, você começ casado com a pessoa do nome, Kobayashi, transforma-se Kobayashi Kobayashi [tsu] [te] nome, é
- weblog title
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/harumi215/e/1c2b2d235c22ac1dd4de2d19eb562fb9 Daughter: “The mother taking, that -” saying, [pachiri Filha: “A mãe que toma, de que -” dizendo, [pachiri
- [jiejiyun] (telephone shocking) 4/14
http://karabon1234.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/414-02a5.html “Name what of the muscle you remember?” “The [tsu] and muscle, with muscle,” “the name [tsu] [te] of the muscle it is difficult, don't you think? “Nomeie o que do músculo você recorda?” “[Tsu] e músculo, com músculo,” “o conhecido [tsu] [te] do músculo ele é difícil, você não pensa?
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