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○■ 清水エスパルス
○■ To end reading, thank you for
○■ 明日はたぶん雨だ ど、がんば... But tomorrow perhaps the rain it perseveres and the [ma] ~ does
○■ Score Ookubo capital ware house Ookubo capital warehouse plateau [botsutei
○■ 岩下が担架で運び された... The bottom of the rock was carried out with the stretcher
○■ As for Okazaki being surr ounded, the spectacle which is crushed was many, instead of as for [yonsen] the ball keeping the trap did not do
○■ 埼玉スタジアムも 敗... Also the Saitama stadium is defeated
○■ The net win point was luc ky goal, but it is important to win,
○■ 前半は押し気味に めながらも... Although to push advancing tend, it turned back the first half with the 0−0
○■ Therefore this year 25 ye ars old, the Ichikawa player
○■ 京都サンガf.c. 2 4... Kyoto [sanga] f.c. 2-4 Shimizu Esuparusu score person: (Kyoto) Yanagizawa, [doutora] (Shimizu) Fujimoto 2 (2pk), [yonsen] and [bosuna
○■ It appeals [yonapin] to S himizu's goal reverse side, a liberal translation
○■ ボスナー砲が二発 決まった試... The [bosuna] gun the tournament where also two shots are decided
○■ [sukapa] relay starts
○■ サポーターサンク デイに行け... Whether or not it can go to [sapotasankusudei], it is not understood, but
○■ [kosupureiya], spot goods of Hakata salt in one hand,, a liberal translation
○■ やはりの時間帯に いつかれた... You overtook the after all time zone
○■ Well, the country tearing , there is a mountain river, probably there is no problem, a liberal translation
○■ とりあえず手帳に き出し、月... Temporarily, it wrote out in the log, tried collecting schedule month
○■ In any case, when it wins the partner of the remaining behind dispute without fail
○■ それにしても、自 の応援する... Nevertheless, the team which by its supports stands in the top of the victory dispute, with thing something which the framework framework is done so the shank
○■ Even then doing doing, li ving, it is the [ku, a liberal translation
○■ そのための新たな 力、... New war potential for that,
○■ And, again it is premier position surfacing
○■ そういえば昨年の 頃、ヤナギ... So, if you say, now of last year, it is the time when outside of war potential of [yanagi] is announced don't you think? that time, it has trouble, the better seed -
○■ Well, if you mention Shim izu Esuparusu, Okazaki player 23 and Ono player 30, a liberal translation
○■ こんばんわ、58 です... It is dense, it is, it is the [wa], 588 is
○■ With this tournament, Shi mizu's victory completely disappearance
○■ このメンバーを見 と、とにか... When you look at this member, the thinking better seed after the member shelf which 90 minutes can continue to run in any case
○■ More and more the latter half kickoff