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○■ 竹中平蔵と木村剛 大罪... Major crime of Takenaka flat warehouse and Kimura hardness
○■ While for the sake of the citizen disguising postal services commercialization, to tell the truth, the United States 寡. Most preferring the avaricious private interest of power, it means that what it has been about that by your probably will take part in the spilling, is discovered in the citizen, a liberal translation
○■ 日本の学者、政治 にも、信念... It is something which is wanted carrying out belief even in the Japanese scholar and the politician
○■ しかしだからとい て竹中さん... But therefore with saying, it is not possible either the circle to drink Takenaka's insistence
○■ But, being the case that every one of the government which really undertakes the management of politics appeal your own result, the state which simply intently puts out spirit to the Democratic party attack even when without,” is ugly,” that only there is no expression
○■ 「官僚国家崩壊」 狙ったんだ... You probably aim for “bureaucratic national collapse”, but those to stack the law which becomes the foundation of this country are the bureaucracy
○■ 小泉政権の竹中平 財務大臣... Flat warehouse financial affairs Minister of State Takenaka of Koizumi administration solved “very differential society, the road which overcomes the world and competition”, but as for the government employee with cannot treat the greatest in the world first burden
○■ 竹中平蔵氏をモデ ーターに経済... Takenaka flat warehouse person in moderator with economic environmental journalist Chiba University of Commerce policy information department three. . . The professor is the speaker
○■ The Democratic party does typical selection, but making a state where you feel at rest the citizen is not enough”, that correspondence of government & the ruling party was criticized, a liberal translation
○■ 民主党も菅を支持 た以上、民衆... Above also the Democratic party supports the 菅, hostility was declared to the populace is equal
○■ As 5 year half of Koizumi structural reconstruction is summarized, also addressing the issue of the Takenaka appearance is done
○■ 小泉政治の消滅が 的だと思わせ... It became the formation of a cabinet which you make think that disappearance of Koizumi politics is purpose,, a liberal translation
○■ Koizumi Takenaka structur al reconstruction picked up many degrees, but as for the cause of failing there is two mainly, a liberal translation
○■ アメリカ中心の枠 みの中で、日... In the US-centered framework, Japan just becomes although there is no your own speech power, participating, to be bad,
○■ 自民守旧派代表格 あるキングメ... Prime Minister kingmaker Morimoto who is our people Mori old style typical case bore the Fukuda Aso Cabinet, on the one hand Ichiro succession person Ozawa of Tanaka politics designated the Democratic party as the administration political party, a liberal translation
○■ As for first, the occurre nce which is thought that decisively it is important, in the private contact point of the Takenaka flat warehouse person and the Nishikawa virtue sentence person, is to be assignation 2002 December 11th, a liberal translation
○■ 竹中平蔵 はんを始 めとする売... As for the Takenaka flat warehouse it is the treason power which is begun to do, the [tsu] it is large losing government, utterly to bring the ravage of hydrogen bomb class to our national citizen, the beam it increased, a liberal translation
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