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○■ 自民党の再生が遅 ている原因... As for the cause the Liberal Democratic Party playback being late you think that is many, but there is no crisis atmosphere that, still it fell down to the opposition party, the constitution which old condition still is done remaining is not one cause, probably will be?
○■ As for Takenaka “Abe go vernment. A little distantly the turning, people around” expression is done, the fact that it is not the strong will where, but in after all it confronts reformation main person of Abe probably is cause, a liberal translation
○■ 企業は、労働分配 が低いほう... As for enterprise, labor's share is low the one whose,
○■ 民主党は「沖縄ビ ョン」で、... As for the Democratic party with “Okinawa vision”, as for the Futenma base you state from the time before, that outside the prefecture or it is desirable to move overseas, as for the side field old moving of Futenma's where the Liberal Democratic Party administration agrees with the United States, open sea plan, following. You have regarded that both plan opposition of the local resident and civic movement is strong, already has been held up, a liberal translation
○■ It assumed that the Assem blyman of the Democratic party has related, “illegitimate utilization incident of the handicapped person post” is
○■ もちろん大学教授 あるから、こ... Of course because it is university professor, when such a thing you say, the fact that it hits to the impoliteness as many as hundred is consent, a liberal translation
○■ 竹中平蔵氏曰く「 差はジニ係... It has been said the Takenaka flat warehouse person “you measure differential with [jini] factor
○■ It is to be Junichiro Koi zumi and the Takenaka flat warehouse person forced the major mass communications to advertise the true purpose of “postal services commercialization”, with “activation of the Japanese economy completely not to be, whole to flow back mail storing and financial asset of 350,000,000,000,000 Yen which simple insurance has to the United States with commercialization”, a liberal translation
○■ 郵政民営化推進派 った「小泉チ... It was postal services commercialization propulsion group, the “Koizumi chill drain” was handled in the 蔑, also the self was one member of the Cabinet minister in spite, “as for me as for truth was opposite in commercialization, it is”, that the 呆 [re] [ru] reply
○■ The Takenaka flat warehou se person before, < when this way is, becoming countryside of the world, as it does > with done the kind of speech which you say, has remembered Japan with some program, but that crisis atmosphere of the thing which becomes countryside probably is no what? Not be able to participate in either the occasion where worldwide rule is made, it probably is the image which is driven by disadvantageous circumstance, becomes destitute economically?
○■ 竹中平蔵先生が、s fcに戻ると... With the notion that where, flat warehouse Mr. Takenaka, returns to sfc, in being able to participate in last lecture in addition to the pupil of kmd
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