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○■ でも、私の体質は く厄介な... So, as for my constitution enormously troublesome type
○■ In order either the arrhy thmia not to have come out excessively, because [maamaa] it has settled, even the medicine without forgetting, drinking, if it is, it may you can have made still for a while vigorous, is, a liberal translation
○■ 不整脈頻発で、体 も悪い... With arrhythmic frequency, it is bad to also the body
○■ Because the medicine of t he arrhythmia is taken, natural? When, it searches with the net, with “in the aged person it is the view which often is seen”
○■ 不整脈がでたり( う最近は出て... The arrhythmia is the [ri] (is not produced), is pain of the latest chest anymore recently,, a liberal translation
○■ そんなこんなで、 う考えても... With such a such, how thinking, it cannot designate off-line meeting as two degrees
○■ Up-to-date article brd of weblog” category commuting where “we would like to make the muffler by electricity of the nuclear pulling out” rush! It is the heavy rain from morning
○■ しかし、発作がな 時は自覚症状... But, when there is no seizure, completely there is no consciousness condition
○■ To some days ago, the sel f-abandonment eating of stress was continued, but about 3 kilometers and the [se] [te] you put away in these 1 weeks
○■ とりあえず薬で症 を抑えてい... Temporarily it came to the point of probably keeping holding down condition with the medicine,
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