http://miihyann.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/_v-6e7a.html And, it is that son, but it is now, not to measure either the back recently, but…, a liberal translation 并且,它是那个儿子,但是它现在是,最近不测量或者后面,但是…
- Already [pandemitsuku
http://annalog.cocolog-nifty.com/annalog/2010/11/post-8877.html And last night, spits to also the son m4 of k, in lowering 并且昨晚,对也k的儿子m4的唾液,在降下
- Your fortune & [popo] nail clipper of this week
http://mahiro.nifty.com/mahilog/2011/10/post-75e0.html And me, recently, the hay fever?, a liberal translation 并且我,最近,花粉症?
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://kinako-ko.at.webry.info/201109/article_1.html Leaving completely, it increased, but gradually also the [bochibochi] [tsu] [te] next time becomes sometime, it is doubtful, is, but… 离开完全地,它增加了,但是逐渐也[bochibochi] [tsu] [te]下次某时成为,它是半信半疑的,是,但是…
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://myhome.cururu.jp/ggggggg/blog/article/41002696068 And becomes next the accident which 并且其次成为的事故
Arrhythmia, Health,