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○■ そういえば最近気 なっている... So, if you say, there are times when recently it becomes matter of concern it is, (; ; ; The ´д `) HKRPT that 'the arrhythmia' is to be
○■ それでも、私はこ 持病をちっと... Even then, I this chronic disease is not feared at all,
○■ Because yesterday weather was good very, walking started going to shopping to [te] and others town, a liberal translation
○■ 心臓かぁ?まるっ り私と同じ症... Heart or [a]? But absolutely the same condition what as meArrhythmia and pain…Therefore as for me from time of the child it is accustomed, however the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] [ru]…Well enough, whether it is harsh? As for me however it follows with the inside medication,…Don't you think? heart [kate] inside that probably is necessary, a liberal translation
○■ 病院について看護 に事情を話... Spoke circumstance to the nursing teacher concerning the hospital, while waiting in waiting room, instantly inside condition as become good, after all with dried ones of the foil sheath caused the anaphylaxis settled with kana
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