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○■ 19:39 from ついっ... 1 9:39 from it is the opinion unintentionally for the [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple 尖 official building archipelago
○■ If Japan Communist Party and Komeito now then you do not know and the organization which is the Japanese national center you do the election to which the next has been decided
○■ ところがここでち うど昼時に... However because here exactly it became lunchtime, considerable number of people had already waited, a liberal translation
○■ For that man to say, beca use we would like to use the simultaneous room in the family, it was request that we want substituting the room to the 朕,, a liberal translation
○■ こんなものを作っ 財界と、推... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ Because Japan Communist P arty does not persevere, it tries that [kabatotsuto] of [pashiri] of the financial affairs ministry will increase taxes,
○■ このことに最近の 治家や、... The recent politician and the established political party do not become aware in this, a liberal translation
○■ The person who does not w alk the life whom “to ahead, it tries probably to grasp what to the next it is
○■ けさは、雲が低く の空にあ... The [ke], the cloud to be low is a sky east, a liberal translation
○■ There are many problems c ertainly in Noda administration
○■ 橋本氏は、自身が 表の“大阪維... As for Hasimoto, itself ran as a candidate from “meeting of the Osaka restoration” of representation
○■ Stopping the nuclear plan t, until after that, it keeps making stably “closing down a reactor”, long time the money is required distantly, it is
○■ 共産党は建国して ら欧米に対し... After building country doing Japan Communist Party, it became the situation which is called the Bamboo Curtain vis-a-vis Europe and America
○■ As for China probably the re is no will which fights with the United States, but, you have aimed toward the leadership in the west Pacific Ocean
○■ アメリカはフィリ ン・ハワイな... America although cooperation with the colony such as the Philippines & Hawaii is strengthened assured the creation of employment with public investment such as development of wide country, a liberal translation
○■ Of course, and there is a responsibility on side of the citizen, but there is a big problem on the side which runs
○■ それにしても橋下 んへの中傷は... Nevertheless, slander to under the bridge being enormous, the shank, a liberal translation
○■ But, problem of the nucle ar operator must make more and more clear,
○■ 自民党もみんなの も、馬鹿御曹... The Liberal Democratic Party and the party of everyone, being the case that you crowd in the place of the foolish son the shank
○■ Yesterday continued and i t was the balancing of accounts national assembly
○■ 日本共産党長野市 団(野々村ひ... That the Japanese Japan Communist Party Nagano city discussion group (the Nonomura wide seeing leader and 6 people), the energy of nature which is substituted to the nuclear plant in earnest should be introduced, dispute you propose
○■ When Japan is taken as ex ample, as for anti- Chinese game toward America game has third character most with eye second character,
○■ にもかかわらず、 ぜメールを送... Nevetheless, that vis-a-vis the doubt which you say whether why the mail is sent,
○■ <Memo > hsbc invest ment trust: Chinese economic stock market general condition 2011 December 2nd: From jump of the Chinese stock market of part and excerpt + compilation December 1st and future prospect 1. December 1st (the wood) jump and that background 1 day of the Chinese stock market (the wood) the Chinese stock market almost became extensive high development, in the Hong Kong market h stocks exponent 10,282.0, lead tip/chip exponent of the front Hibi + 8.1% 3,832.3, [hansen] exponent of the same + 5.8% became with 19,002.3 of the same + 5.6%, a liberal translation
○■ 15日(木)2時 起床... 15 days (wood) wake-up at 2 o'clock
○■ The Democratic party whil e the citizen does not become aware, continues to walk the road of the Japanese national ruin steadily, a liberal translation
○■ 大阪維新の会
大阪 市長選での... As for the individual candidacy supporting cancellation with meeting Osaka mayor selection of the Osaka restoration there was a righteousness which protects democracy, a liberal translation
○■ Osaka city is abnormal ci ty that 1 people are the receipt person of welfare in the nationwide most numerous 140,000 person and 20 people,, a liberal translation
○■ 大阪府知事に松井 ん
大阪... In Osaka prefecture governor in Osaka Mayor Matsui Hasimoto
○■ It was hot nevertheless t ruly