- In the sense that there is the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations work regulation reformation demand the surprise
http://53317837.at.webry.info/201110/article_5.html But, after 2005 why does not come out? Но, после 2005 почему не приходит вне?
- The Chinese Communist Party faked admission examination center
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tatsuoh2006/archives/66033405.html But, as for the person who thinks that this system is complicated, it will not be Но, как для персоны которая думает что эта система осложнял, она не будет
- Japan Communist Party “politics and gold”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yoroshiku109/e/1cebc1c1d8a73aaf803c5574788a953a But, as for local assembly the air has not been attached to the Но, как для местного агрегата воздух не был прикреплен к
- You were surprised in “the akahata” article “of resistance of the nuclear operator”
http://53317837.at.webry.info/201111/article_18.html But, problem of the nuclear operator must make more and more clear, Но, проблема ядерного оператора должна сделать больше и больше ясно,
- , a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ftc2005/e/cdf0b6a1015b89987214e0ef81c51dc9 But, this truth does not make clear, probably will be Но, эта правда не делает ясно, вероятно будет
Communist Party, Politics ,