- In the sense that there is the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations work regulation reformation demand the surprise
http://53317837.at.webry.info/201110/article_5.html Certainly, as for change “of demand” of this kind there is a value which it tries researching, a liberal translation Certainement, quant au changement « de la demande » de cette sorte il y a une valeur qu'il essaye de rechercher
- The true dominant people 35 points which move the worldwide person in power person picture book world and Japan (in 100 point perfect scores)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tkfire85/archives/55500670.html Certainly, as for the person who has interest in type of conspiracy theory it is many, probably will be Certainement, quant à la personne qui a l'intérêt pour le type de théorie de conspiration il est beaucoup, soyez probablement
- If rehiring obligation = it extends simply to 65 years old, being good?, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hotanikaikei/e/21d52243d736ec1b658a615921ab7348 Economy of the countries which advocate socialism certainly failed Économie des pays qui préconisent le socialisme certainement échoué
- , a liberal translation
http://momotarou100.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2569004/ There are many problems certainly in Noda administration Il y a beaucoup de problèmes certainement dans l'administration de Noda
- “203 highland”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/macgoohan/e/bd61a6e388525814fbc6a53d93d719d6 The customer who comes to crying certainly probably will be that so is not, is not satisfied Le client qui vient à pleurer sera celui ainsi n'est pas certainement probablement, n'est pas satisfaisant
Communist Party, Politics ,