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○■ 単勝1,6倍x10 0円=1... Single victory 1,6 time x1000 circle =1600 Yen horse connected 5,1 time x200 circle =1020 jcd correction amount 2010 of Yen =1300 Yen, a liberal translation
○■ 前走16着のショ ワモダン(... [shiyouwamodan] front running 16 (Goto) turning off as expected, however you think, that it is all right, △ [mainerushiyupiru] (Ebina) the rising horse of the front running normal entire s victory
○■ レースの上り3fは12 :0-... As for rising 3f of race/lace 12: 0-11: 4-11: 5 and rust 2f is fast
○■ Whether mile the horse of system you thought and started and, entering into this year, Takamatunomiya commemoration you won, also [supurintazu] s won, entire licked g1 of lawn 1200m, a liberal translation
○■ ただ斤量はデータ にも、この... Simply the loaf quantity data and is disadvantageous in this horse itself
○■ Concerning this horse, go od quality of the horse body is to feel sufficiently, but in about the world ace gorgeousness of form it is the horse which is not felt
○■ ◎コスモセンサー 着、△ガル... * Cosmopolitan sensor 2, with △ [garubo] 1 arrival horse connected hit, a liberal translation
○■ 現役時代は04年東 新聞杯... Active age 04 year Tokyo newspaper cup (giii), 04 year Keio cup spring c (gii), 05 year Fuji s (giii) with high prize 3 victories
○■ Attention of the 62nd Tok yo newspaper cup did 12th [danonshiyaku] (the Uchida Hiroshi happiness jockey), the 10th frere jack (the Hukunaga jockey), 15th [mainerurakurima] (the Shibata large jockey) with
○■ 東京新聞杯
ブエナ ビスタ単走乙... Tokyo newspaper cup [buenabisuta] single running quaintness wwwww
○■ 京都14日11r第50回 さら... The Kyoto 14 day 11r 50th coming plate [gi] prize (gⅲ) Lawn 1800m (outside b) addition Mayer royal
○■ [maineruhuaruke]: The fro nt running not escaping [te] to retreat, this time with Fujita appointment anything with anything the maneuvers of escaping
○■ アブソリュートは 中マイル重賞... Absolute Fuchu mile 2 victories has done high prize, a liberal translation
○■ 3連単⑩ロジユニ ァース1着... 3 reams single⑩[rojiyunivuasu] 1 arrival fixing④Because the Early lob strike in 2.3 after 3 or more 8 point powerful horses was evaded to 3.5 6.9, tastiness it does not do the odds excessively
○■ 1. Age 4 year old: 1 arri val 2 head 2 arrival 3 head 3 arrival 1 head 5 years old: 1 arrival 1 head 3 arrival 1 heads
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