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○■ Fool mistake* The award i ncludes the mystery which is published in preceding year one year (the cartoon drama and the like) from in, prize of the reader participation type which chooses the work which most is superior is
○■ …本、読まなくな てきてるん... … The book, stopping reading, the [ru] it is it is
○■ 本は結構その差が 端だと思う... As for the book you think that well enough the difference is extreme, it is, don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ It is what, it could not return well and the [te] “singing together, it was delightful, is”, that only you could not say, but it is [tsu] [te] many degrees being said “thank you”, it returned many degrees
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○■ “Are thought the power where power, it creates and imagines is attached to the body”, the [tsu] [te] however perhaps, so, it probably is not making one of such conditions, as for the fact that you say however it is, don't you think?
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