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○■ というわけで、ち っと雲行き... With being the case that it is said, just a little condition became doubtful, a liberal translation
○■ この機会、どうぞ 見逃しなく... At this opportunity, it does not flee please,, a liberal translation
○■ * Information & the Plamo del reservation item information & the Plamodel re-arrival reservation item information of the Plamodel re-arrival =============
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○■ jr東日本パスの旅 続きです... It is the continuation of traveling of jr east Japanese pass, a liberal translation
○■ Because everywhere gw is being packed, so, without going everywhere, you play closely the house and at the place, a liberal translation
○■ a story of my... a story of my models, the jnr 4-wheel freight cars, manufactuered by nakamura-seimitsu and eidai and part 3, a liberal translation
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