- Container train, modification of schedule, a liberal translation
http://nandemoari2nd.blog95.fc2.com/blog-entry-2325.html It is [koki] which is the stomach which is standardized in the jr generation, but also [koki] 50000 became necessary É [koki] qual é o estômago que é estandardizado na geração do júnior, mas igualmente [koki] 50000 tornaram-se necessários
- [ohahu] which has stopped in the Tsugaru Imabetsu station premise 51-5003 is photographed. ~2011 year June 12th, a liberal translation
http://maestro-cl.at.webry.info/201106/article_24.html It is the continuation of traveling of jr east Japanese pass, a liberal translation É a continuação da viagem da passagem do japonês do júnior para o leste
- The joke had been effective.
http://hobby-daily.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-ecc4.html The fact that ef510 is chosen in the New Year's Day picture probably is to be related to the ef 510,500th generation which jr east Japan which starts trial run on end of the last year introduces, a liberal translation O fato de que ef510 está escolhido no retrato do dia de ano novo deve provavelmente ser relacionado à 510,500th geração ef que o júnior Japão do leste que começa período de experiência no fim do ano passado introduz
railway Models, Avocation,