- Blue train, negative spiral
http://ichirok.cocolog-nifty.com/mobile/2012/02/post-7de3.html But 14 systems are not the case that with just [burutore] of Tokyo mouth was used Pero 14 sistemas no son el caso que con apenas [burutore] de la boca de Tokio fue utilizado
- DIORAMA ADDICTED by Just Mira, a liberal translation
http://miniboxfan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/diorama-addicte.html With, also one of sarcasm being the case that word greatly it becomes Con, también uno del sarcasmo que es el caso que lo redacta grandemente se convierte
- 2 where layout is made
http://ichirok.cocolog-nifty.com/mobile/2012/02/post-57e6.html With being the case that it is said, just a little condition became doubtful, a liberal translation Con ser el caso que está dicho, apenas una pequeña condición llegó a ser dudosa
railway Models, Avocation,