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○■ After decorating, the pou lt way everyday 'the poult way, don't you think? it is lovely, don't you think? it was your [e]' [tsu] [te] favorite it is, the [e] ^^
○■ お雛様に見られな ら、蛤のお吸... The poult way while you being seen, also the soup of the clam is tasty
○■ After soup of potato sala d, clam and flower of greens,
○■ 昨日は雛祭りでし ね☆パパは仕... Don't you think? yesterday was the poult celebration* The father received tend it is work seems the sushi just the increase which it passes, (*^o^*)
○■ Yesterday because “the poult to celebrate” was don't you think? the ♪ pad is 2 sons, calling this well, it is to be the day there is no at all but… that setting aside, being invited in the friend, “mounting art gallery” looked at those which become, - - it is what, the various works being exhibited enormously, the [te] was funny, that with the entrance which is, please pull lot - - because it was said, when it pulled, it hits!! Was, when perhaps it does, perhaps, the end it is not but, a liberal translation
○■ もう随分と雛人形 飾れてません... Already, extremely being able to decorate, increases the dolls is just the stomach is poult enshrining feeling, when * correct answer of the point ear medicine is not recognized according to thought of yesterday when it arrives to the inner part of the ear [gasatsu] [te] sound doing (tremendously - [ku] feeling being bad,) the being audible of the ear becomes bad, (tympanic membrane it is filled?)So, about the thing 5 minute which it waits…Because completely there is no atmosphere where the medicine is absorbed the feeling which it cleans with the cotton stick and is not [chi] [ya] [u] meaning? <- Someone the person who is understood it isn't?
○■ Therefore the poult you c elebrated, the mother handmade was from the teacher of embroidery and received the manju
○■ 2011年3月1日... 2011 M arch 1st, a liberal translation
○■ It decorates to March 3rd
○■ (*≧m≦*) プフ ッ♪... (*≧m≦*) [hu] ゚ [hu] ゚ [tsu] ♪
○■ Because last year it will have been rushing with apartment purchase and the like, the Emperor it is distant it put out just the poult way,
○■ 幼稚園でも給食が らし寿司だ... School lunch tend it seems it was the sushi even at the preschool, so is
○■ The grandchild not to be, the [te] it was good, because - the [tsu] [te] or the child are not, there are no either times when the grandchild can do but it is,
○■ 女の子のお節句、 祭りです... Dishes for the New Year phrase of the girl, it is the poult celebration
○■ Yes the ♪ which is love ly momoko, a liberal translation
○■ 今日のメインは 先 日のお食事... Present main is the gratin of the helmet long potato which is popular even in the meal meeting of the other day, a liberal translation
○■ When today, it happens al ong, the poult way it was decorated, a liberal translation
○■ ブログネタ:ひな り、おひな... [buroguneta]: The poult you celebrate, the poult decorates? It is in the midst of participating, but
○■ Tag: Brocade picture Suzu ki clear trust
○■ ケーキも用意しま た... You prepared also the cake
○■ Already, immediately it b ecame 300 bodies, (the [a] being cut off, the mouth which you opened does not go down the [hu],…), a liberal translation
○■ もうすぐひな祭り というのに... Already although you say, that immediately it is the poult celebration, that something decorating the dolls of the daughter busily, because the [re] [te] it was not, persevering, it assembled just the stand of 7 step decorations during morning, a liberal translation
○■ The ♪ which is the lunc h of the poult enshrining, a liberal translation
○■ はまぐりのお吸い も恒例だっ... It is to be the expectation where also the soup of the clam is common usage, but from the next day partner “we, the soup of the clam even the food only of poult festival intellectual viewing applied to shy thing,…” with it was said, a liberal translation
○■ With saying, the human ea ts, however it is, don't you think?
○■ そんなある休日・ ・、まずは... After the holiday which is such…, eating breakfast first to the library
○■ Then, [abata] of optimism to the sight of the coconut remaining overnight became movement
○■ そのご、小樽公園 お花見に行... It went to Hanami to that, Otaru park, a liberal translation
○■ And the paragraph phrase doll was decorated to also the pad
○■ せっかくなので、 の背景でミ... Because with special care is, it photographed also [miyuu] with the background, a liberal translation