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○■ 今日はお雛祭り
お 雛様はすでに... The poult you celebrated today and the poult way already you were decorated, the flower and the like of the peach you wound today when it is arranged and it was the dampening of the flower of the sushi and the greens and the sashimi etc of the mackerel etc, but after all in the tea candy Kamakura five which prepares the cherry tree rice cake 郎 the cherry tree rice cake, a liberal translation
○■ 雛人形を飾り、桃 花や菱餅を供... The celebration of the girl it decorates the dolls, offers the flower and the lozenge cake of the peach, celebrates with the white liquor
○■ 雛祭りを祝ってか は、娘たち... After celebrating the poult celebration, when 婚 period of daughters is late, because it is not good, starting tidying up directly, a liberal translation
○■ 今日3月3日は、 な祭りです... Present March 3rd is the poult celebration
○■ Up-to-date article � [g uguru] [rogomaku] “of weblog” category: Poult celebration � [guguru] [rogomaku]: Star Festival celebration � [guguru] [rogomaku]: Kurosawa discernment � [guguru] [rogomaku]: Katsushika north 斎 � [guguru] [rogomaku]: Souseki Natume, a liberal translation
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
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