- Lady meeting brown story meeting 2012
http://metaboobasan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-90f3.html Also your present candy the confectionary of the same yesterday being cheap, you delivered También su actual caramelo la confitería del mismo ayer que era barato, usted entregó
- In 12/February 29th guest lecturer
http://yumike-no-syokutaku.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/12229-9416.html Present Tokyo and in spite in the disorder everyone to get together in the snow transportation of snow 10cm of the spring,, a liberal translation Actual Tokio y en rencor en el desorden cada uno a reunirse en el transporte de la nieve de la nieve los 10cm del resorte,
- In addition it started?, a liberal translation
http://hardy-bakaoya.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-1e56.html _ today early summer way be heat be walk to - to - go start el _ que la manera del comienzo del verano sea hoy calor sea caminata - - va comienzo
- From poult waiting [yu] [ri] one week
http://gobouchan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-4949.html Today you finished work and got together the various people and you walked Usted acabó el trabajo y reunió hoy a la varia gente y usted caminó
- The poult way it decorated
http://ishiguroke.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-ff33.html Present Senboku city Kakunodate was the snow occasionally clearing up, a liberal translation A cidade atual Kakunodate de Senboku era a neve que esclarece ocasionalmente
- Kakunodate poult round
http://ishiguroke.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-0ee0.html Present Senboku city Kakunodate weather was cloudiness O tempo atual de Kakunodate da cidade de Senboku era opacidade
- The May doll (the warrior doll) decorating, it increases
http://ishiguroke.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-bd9b.html Present Senboku city Kakunodate weather clears up and it is rear cloudiness O tempo atual de Kakunodate da cidade de Senboku esclarece e é opacidade traseira
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://asaasablog.seesaa.net/article/196151723.html They are circumstances of snack time of the present daughter, a liberal translation São circunstâncias do tempo do petisco da filha atual
Feast of Dolls, japanese culture,