- The diary of cheez k, a liberal translation
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/cheez-k/20120127 Because with special care it had buying, you wanted to see quickly, the dolls it decorated Porque con cuidado especial tenía compra, usted quiso ver rápidamente, las muñecas que adornó
- Already immediately the poult celebration and the peaceful female poet gallery
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/yumenoyakata/diary/201202210000/ Because with special care is, it photographed also [miyuu] with the background, a liberal translation Porque con cuidado especial está, fotografió también [miyuu] con el fondo
- Poult like [modanteisuto] which is agreeable exactly even with Western style, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/erituyuki/64729714.html Because with special care good ones are made to buy, during period when you want in every the parlour which is the place where everyday it is seen as for me, it seems that can think that every year it puts out in any case until those which are liked are found, when we would like to adhere, it is, but the mother does not like any which I like, as for those which the mother likes me the period when with not liking, you have searched, the air being heavy, becoming fairly well the blue Porque con cuidado especial los buenos se hacen para comprar, durante período cuando usted quiere en cada la sala que es el lugar cuando sea diario se ve en cuanto a mí, parece que puede pensar que cada año pone hacia fuera en todo caso hasta los se tengan gusto se encuentren que, cuando quisiéramos adherirnos, él sean, pero la madre no tiene gusto de cualesquiera de que tenga gusto, en cuanto a los que la madre tenga gusto de mí el período cuando con no tener gusto, usted ha buscado, el aire que es pesado, haciendo bastante pozo el azul
- Entering to March…To tideland, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/harusaku_seabass/64084278.html Because with special care it fished, of course, the hill doing the pulling [tsu] [pe], (photograph does to become dim flash, useless) Porque con cuidado especial pescó, por supuesto, la colina que hacía la tracción [tsu] [el PE], (la fotografía hace para llegar a ser dévil el el flash, inútiles)
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://ayakonbu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-61a7.html Because with special care it decorated, the [chi] it seems persevering, also the boiled rice had been eaten before the dolls which it makes the sushi or cooking, decorates with the parents and 3 people, a liberal translation Porque com cuidado especial decorou, [qui] parece de perseverança, o arroz fervido tinha sido comido igualmente antes que as bonecas que faz ao sushi ou a cozimento, decorem com os pais e os 3 povos
Feast of Dolls, japanese culture,