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○■ そのことについて 、お互い触... Concerning the, each other it had tried not to touch
○■ It is painful wallet, but because after all with special care is, 1 Tomari saddle to be to call, it came to the point of probably staying in the place,
○■ 昨日(31日)は、 から家... Yesterday (31 days), from morning errand of house? It did all the way
○■ Because it had been attac hed at outside, when it is evening, amount of the hail becoming hard directly, it became difficult to be settled, a liberal translation
○■ 今年もどうぞよろ くお願い... This year the request it is to call it does please may
○■ It is good and the [yo]! It is good and the [yo]! With being everyone, the rice cake being attached, the greatest in the world under completing your tasty rice cake the child, young, during year, seniority to be small there was a directory, size is different, don't you think? it is, a liberal translation
○■ では、今日も主と に歩みま... So, with the main thing you will walk also today, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore, problem of the money compared to, you open with the rice ball of [konbinitaipu] and the callous waiting are tasty being transmitted? With the thing which is said is problem
○■ その後はうかいの 部屋で
の~... After that or the [u] the ~~~~~ at the room it is the [bi] [ri] you passed
○■ And as for the first diff erence, the rice cake United States which is steamed after all with [seiro], is to be tasty, a liberal translation
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