- Having being attached conference!
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ksgarage031200/22208633.html Whether your tasty rice cake, you can eat, - Ли ваш вкусный торт риса, вы может съесть, -
- As for experience treasure ones, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/sacchon-oops/entry-11099685160.html With the tasty way, the first time the eating [tsu] [pu] [ri] which cannot be thought!, a liberal translation С вкусным путем, the first time еда [tsu] [pu] [ri] которая не может быть мыслью!
- Having being attached inside garden
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yotuayasaki/e/1087e5e382051e033b0c6077b226118b You eat also your tasty rice cake and the [re] are to do being able to come in contact with the kindergarten child, it was pleasant Вы едите также ваш вкусный торт риса и [re] сделать мочь прийти в контакте с ребенком детсада, им был приятен
- o wakare kai
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/solo_ich3/9112565.html Tasty Calais was eaten, the many kindergarten children substituted Было съедено вкусное Кале, много замененных детей детсада
Rice cake pounding, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,