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○■ もしかしたら、そ 使ってなか... Perhaps, when it did, that it was not used, perhaps the air it was not attached,
○■ In addition eel2 which in cludes that file some time ago and in the same way is thought with apt-get reinnstall re-installation, a liberal translation
○■ たぶん、求められ いるのは「... Perhaps, don't you think? the fact that it is required probably is “light os” what, certainly, a liberal translation
○■ ■ [クラウド] ub un... * [The cloud] the ubuntu community which offers ubuntu 9.04 17:30 linux distribution becomes the latest edition, “ubuntu 9.04” (the code name: jaunty jackalope) Releasing beta edition, a liberal translation
○■ ubuntuでもこれを使 てo... Using this even with ubuntu, os side used with while it was standard layout, but is, with 91u black so it does not go
○■ However perhaps, (laughin g) meaning to utilize in the future whether now at point in time, you should have used in something is perplexed to use, [tsu] [te] truth
○■ gnome起動直後で、 モリ... Immediately after the gnome starting, as for memory amount used, 143mb
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