- mukatsukurecord
http://twitter.com/mukatsukurecord :Kobe Japan May 2011 http://fb.me/Za4ZoQxU
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://ameblo.jp/kei-mizuki/entry-10846638718.html These are talking of Japanese blogoholic. Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
http://kiyomaro.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2222918/ koreni genshiryoku anzen iinkai ha �� atsuryoku youki nitsuitemo nanraka no sonshou gaaru �� to �� koremadeno hoan in no kenkai wo hitei �� 在这中至于核能安全委员会的“有关于压力容器的一些损伤”,那,前保存学院观点被否认, “事故没有停止和,至于为认为的预言您不允许,是正常的,事实它对应于那企业的责任”,苛刻的观点被表达
- kokkaigiin ga ooi nodehanai �� benkyou shite kokumin no tachiba de hataraku giin ga sukuna sugirunodearu ��
http://ootsuru.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-0110.html These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. 这时,您必须多数安全地有的核工厂责任,特别铃木Atsushi之原子能安全主席(前&东京大学制造部门核能工程学路线教授)此外, “我们希望继续基本上使抗震的设计苛刻”, “当此外,超出这样标准时的这非常大地震来,喜欢核实与某一方法,您认为与这样政策企业(东京电力),您是否核实这样首先不发生与数字”,您回复
- In usual “10,000,000 time” “100,000 time” correction
http://ameblo.jp/vanbino2006/entry-10843442011.html But, as for the Nuclear Safety Commission which was opened in the night “it is how to come out of the substance which usually is not possible”, that and so on doing, it requested re-analysis to Tokyo Electric Power Company 但是,至于为夜被打开“的核能安全委员会是如何从通常不是可能的”的物质出来,那等等做,它请求再分析对东京电力公司
Nuclear Safety Commission, Reportage, Politics ,