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○■ 首相は官邸に戻っ 後、周囲... shushou ha kantei ni modotta nochi �� shuui ni �� genpatsu ha bakuhatsu shinaiyo �� to katatta
○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ 政府の鈍い対応に 原発を進めて... seifu no nibui taiou ni �� genpatsu wo susume tekita senmonka karamo tsuyoi kikikan ga dete iru
○■ houshaseibusshitsu ga k enshutsu sareteinai suisanbutsu made kakaku geraku nadono eikyou ga dehajime teori �� hattori kaichou ha �� koushita fuuhyou higai ga hiroga rukoto wo shinpai shiteiru
○■ 福島第1原発沸騰 型の構造裏... fukushima daiichi genpatsu futtou mizu kata no kouzou urame ni mainichishinbun
○■ touden �� kachi mat a kaichou ra keiei kanbu sou taijin he
○■ … 2chより 時事ド トコ... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ touhokuchihou taiheiyou oki jishin niyoru jishin �� tsunami no higai ga houdou saretatoki �� sudeni �� toukyoudenryoku fukushima genshiryokuhatsudensho deha �� nippon no genshiryoku seisaku shijou �� saiaku no genpatsujiko ga hassei shiteshimatteitakoto ������
○■ 東京電力は、 3月 21日と2... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ 勝俣恒久
○■ Most. < The Fukushima 1st nuclear plant > “1 - 4 the machine closed reactor” Tokyo Electric Power Company chairman, apology (everyday in interview the newspaper
○■ “5 and 6 the machine in the Tokyo Electric Power Company interview voice Yomiuri Shimbun Company March 30th of inhabitant anger (the water) 20:44 permanent Chairman transmission Tokyo Electric Power Katumata Fukushima first nuclear plant 1 - 4 concerning the machine, “it abolishes you do not obtain”, in closed reactor” “() in several weeks it is harsh for the inhabitant to be able to return to local end,” that and so on the fact that you express was accepted, from the inhabitant who leads evacuation life at every place inside Fukushima prefecture, ““5 and 6 the machine and moment the future shows and so on with, voice of anger rose quickly” again in closed reactor”
○■ Permanent Chairman Tokyo Electric Power Katumata 30th in the afternoon, being physical condition defective, the reporter interviews in place of President Masataka Shimizu who was hospitalized, concerning the accident of the Fukushima first nuclear power plant, “to be deep the [wa] [bi] does that we apply very insecurity and worry widely in everyone of society”, that you apologized
○■ Tokyo Electric Power Comp any chairman to apologize in interview, 1 - 4 machine closed reactor discernment., a liberal translation
○■ Even with Fukushima secon d nuclear plant smoke, 1 with machine turbine building., a liberal translation
○■ … From 2ch current even ts dot COM: 1 - 4 machine in closed reactor = Tokyo Electric Power Company chairman declaration - Fukushima 1st field… The reporter you interview in the Chiyoda Ku head office and Fukushima 1st nuclear plant 1 - 4 concerning the machine if “you stand on the circumstance which filled the seawater, perhaps it abolishes, you do not obtain”, that you declared, a liberal translation
Katsumata Tsunehisa,