- Fukushima nuclear power plant accident (N-Power Station at Fukushima), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/takeching/entry-10834204664.html Concerning the other furnace, while suffering hardship, it is advanced, a liberal translation A respeito da outra fornalha, quando a dificuldade de sofrimento, ele for avançada
- Neko★Tuki 4th Anniversary!, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/hati772/archives/52018637.html Because today there was an opportunity which occurs to just a little outside, we would like to write concerning the circumstances outside, a liberal translation Porque hoje havia uma oportunidade que ocorresse apenas a uma parte externa pequena, nós gostaríamos de escrever fora a respeito das circunstâncias
- 9:48, Fukushima first nuclear plant 3 the water drops from the Self Defense Force helicopter in the machine
http://elder.tea-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/9483-be46.html In addition, the one which is not distant from the nuclear plant after administering the prevention which outside is necessary (has been similar to pollen measure), in the yolk to diagnose itself, the light where pure white becomes strange like the white body the place where it wraps itself was imagined, it is potato to be and to come, a liberal translation Além, esse que não é distante do central nuclear após ter administrado a prevenção de que fora é necessário (foi similar à medida do pólen), no yolk diagnosticar-se, a luz onde o branco puro se torna estranho como o corpo branco o lugar onde se envolve foi imaginado, ele é batata a estar e vir
Radioactive material, Reportage, Science,