- Nuclear accident opinion that 2, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/konattsuheadline/60883089.html But, is accurate meaning of this “melt down” probably to be what? For the core of the reactor to melt basically, and the core which is melted becoming the radioactive substance in meaning of the word, melt down falling in the building of the power plant is included, a liberal translation ¿Pero, es el significado exacto de esto “se derrite” probablemente ser lo que? Para la base del reactor a derretir básicamente, y la base que es el convertirse en derretido la sustancia radiactiva en el significado de la palabra, derrita caer en el edificio de la central eléctrica es incluido
- Comment to various opinions of March 19th (Saturday) yesterday
http://igajin.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-03-19 But, therefore “by your all right”, the case that “it will stop the fact that [jitabata] it does”, it is not Pero, por lo tanto “por su todo derecho”, el caso que “parará el hecho que [jitabata] lo hace”, no está
- nippon no higeki �� touhoku kyodaijishin to fukushima genpatsu
http://avancelg.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2200507/ But, very the Japanese government does not mean true thing Pero, muy el gobierno japonés no significa cosa verdadera
- [tsuiritsu] - 11.03.16. that 3, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/pecombo/entry-10832853508.html But, as for radiation from this radioactive substance in order to penetrate the window and the wall, in principle it cannot, avoid the radiation which comes out of the pollen Pero, en cuanto a la radiación de esta sustancia radiactiva para penetrar la ventana y la pared, en principio no puede, evitar la radiación que sale del polen
Radioactive material, Reportage, Science,