- Family, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/akiban55/entry-10832959043.html At each time you look at the scene of reunion with the television the tear comes coming out, a liberal translation En cada vez que usted mira la escena de la reunión con la televisión el rasgón viene saliendo
- ……, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/monoseikatu/entry-10832788979.html The mouth is covered with the towel which the specialist has explained with television, gets wet, is in order to prevent internal exposure, La boca se cubre con la toalla que el especialista ha explicado con la televisión, consigue mojado, es para prevenir la exposición interna,
- They are not the times when already the citizen is fanned with the large index
http://rab-timely-blog.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-8414.html In case of the television, because voice of the specialist is transmitted at that place, somewhat viewer feels at rest, a liberal translation En caso de la televisión, porque la voz del especialista se transmite en ese lugar, el espectador siente algo en descanso
Radioactive material, Reportage, Science,