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○■ 先週末、今年4月に 出産した高... Last week end, it went to play to friend's house of the high school times which you give birth in the April this year
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○■ チョコレート好き はない私で... This time the chocolate-related commodity depends on the air even with me who am not the chocolate lover, cannot bypass, a liberal translation
○■ ところで、バーム ーヘンには... By the way, the [tsu] [te] which has standard, you knew in the berm kuchen? With standard of the baumkuchen to which national German candy association sets “as for ratio of the raw materials, wheat flour 1: Butter 1: Sugar 1: Egg 2” must be, unless, a liberal translation
○■ それにしても携帯 カメラが機... Nevertheless, the camera of carrying passes and is disgusted functional badness… something the [ya, a liberal translation
○■ The up-to-date article 0 baumkuchen “of multiple meeting” category to the male [so] reason urgent bbq sea bright/fresh compilation doing again so, revival message from suffering area
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