http://ichigen.at.webry.info/201202/article_4.html As for the politician there is also election and moves with personal name, but as for the bureaucracy anonymity Quant au politicien il y a également élection et se déplace avec le nom personnel, mais quant à l'anonymat de bureaucratie
- Enterprise & Tokyo Electric Power of most misfortune in mankind history, a liberal translation
http://futakoburakuda.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2465531/ The politician, the bureaucracy and big business inhale the sweet juice under sacrifice of the citizen, a liberal translation Le politicien, la bureaucratie et les importantes affaires inhalent le jus doux sous le sacrifice du citoyen
- “In Ishihara critical climax”, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/affairwindows/archives/55498422.html For the politician to become honest, there is also election, but it is daily to check the conduct of the politician Pour que le politicien devienne honnête, là est également élection, mais il est quotidien pour vérifier la conduite du politicien
- Probability of nuclear accident which extent probably will be low, as for situation of that “unlikely event”, it is not something which is never accepted
http://zukunasi.at.webry.info/201112/article_28.html Opinion of the politician already has faced to re-work, but public opinion phase not to change it continues to be opposite, a liberal translation L'opinion du politicien a déjà fait face pour retoucher, mais la phase d'opinion publique pour ne pas la changer continue à être vis-à-vis de
- Ever since vol.243 nuclear accident, my view of life, the especially person and the viewpoint of the thing drastically changed
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ya-con/e/e8625af2edf691c5ebb577852134f093 The politician and the government employee all the more are Le politicien et l'employé de l'État sont d'autant plus
- You read “the New Year of the 啄 wood,” you think in New Year's Day which does not have the circle of day, a liberal translation
http://53317837.at.webry.info/201201/article_2.html The politician, the bureaucracy should act, discerning correct wickedness, Le politicien, la bureaucratie devrait agir, discernant la méchanceté correcte,
Fukushima nuclear plant, Reportage,