- The Chernobyl U.S. Information Center, a liberal translation
http://kamata-minoru.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-e107.html As for it should learning from the Chernobyl U.S. Information Center you think that it is many, 关于它应该学会从您认为的切尔诺贝利美国情报中心它是许多,
- The Chernobyl heart ★★★★☆ 110,927
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/elzas_zug_zum_munster/39251723.html From the Chernobyl nuclear accident the other day, the children in Ukraine and [berarushi] in 2003 从切尔诺贝利核事故,在2003年最近孩子在乌克兰和[berarushi
- It does not focus nuclear disaster
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/azumando/e/802dbe7bc902a56bd224f6f411b9c1bd If you look at the Chernobyl former example, concerning the scale of accident is the imagination is possible, probably will be 如果您看切尔诺贝利前例子,关于事故标度是想象力是可能的,大概将是
- “Truth Kodama Tatuhiko author vision winter building new book of book-reading diary internal exposure”
http://analyticalsociaboy.txt-nifty.com/yoakemaeka/2011/10/post-09fc.html In Chernobyl at cesium contaminated area the cystitis you can see Doctor Akizi the Japanese Fukushima, it reports that bladder cancer emergence has increased in 2009, so is, a liberal translation 在铯污染的区域的切尔诺贝利中膀胱炎您能看到Akizi医生日本福岛,它报道膀胱癌诞生在2009年增加了,如此是
- Fukushima nuclear accident, danger of thyroid cancer/gun!!?? Swiss physician [vuaruta
http://cp21.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2469349/ It is damage of the tobacco and the chemical etc being and the place where the risk which it is becomes bitterly becomes high, furthermore it is the image where risk with radiation is added 它是烟草的损伤,并且化学制品等是和风险它是苦涩地成为的地方变得高,此外它是与辐射的风险增加的图象
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ryuzou42/e/d7e34dac2c9a21fb409807922cdd1c7d The worst nuclear accident photo all record - in the Chernobyl crisis - history, a liberal translation 最坏的核事故照片全部记录-在切尔诺贝利危机-历史
- It receives Fukushima accident, nuclear industry in the world should abolish
http://eigokiji.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-8859.html If after the Chernobyl accident, only management and use it is done just, as for the atomic energy, it is possible to use with the technician who was trained high-level as still, being safe, when it probably will show the fact that it is the electric power supply source which you can rely on, industry did the extent effort which at one time is not 如果在切尔诺贝利事故以后,仅管理和使用它做,至于为原子能,使用与是训练的高级的作为仍然的技术员可能的,是安全的,当它大概将表示事实,它是供电电源来源哪些您能依靠,产业做了程度努力哪些一次不是
Fukushima nuclear plant, Reportage,