- Last year of the official residence + [sumaho, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mermaid117/e/4757ae10ab0b4a7ccb351dbc1c3ab07d The lesson thinks was received with of course 当然教训认为接受了与
- Spring still?
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/55yasuji/e/a5ec2d914b88d19d7b51b58aa7d6739b Of course, it cannot prove the causal relation of both 当然,它不可能证实两个的原因联系
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ryuzou42/e/3894c243f3e3d17b5a94b19e2996a50e We blood tax are used of course in development 当然我们血液税在开发中使用
- The throat origin passing,…, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/shuya1128/e/6198c427db2ccc067388fe878c3426d3 Of course, when of thing of radiation contamination is thought, because we fear, as for the state of mind that it is well understood we would like to think as little as possible, 当然,当辐射污秽事是想法,因为我们恐惧,至于很好被了解的心境的我们希望尽可能少认为,
- Fukushima nuclear accident, danger of thyroid cancer/gun!!?? Swiss physician [vuaruta
http://cp21.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2469349/ Of course, the social problem that remains, you throw away the home, but, a liberal translation 当然,依然存在的社会问题,您丢掉家,但是
- Beginning the year?, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/55yasuji/e/723041df6a615fb9c81ad3ad630297e6 Of course, you think that also influence of some being bombed has appeared,, a liberal translation 当然,您认为被轰炸的影响一些也出现,
- January 14th (the Saturday) in that 2→ “Japan of the [bu] and the coming, new country… where the contents which are based on constitution were included”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aleido_che_guevara/e/87a44c577e5356cd9bcef2c564bd649a , a liberal translation 当然,它象这样成为了的事实是核推进力政治和东京电力公司责任
- How it associates with the person under the bridge which does not look at actuality?
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kaidnu2/38596839.html Of course, after verifying that it has passed to current safe guideline however it is 当然,在核实以后它通过了对当前安全指南然而它是
- The United States & England, it prepares for anti- Iranian game
http://eigokiji.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-7f48.html Of course, you do not buy book or cd or dvd from Amazon 当然,您不买书或从亚马逊的cd或者dvd
Fukushima nuclear plant, Reportage,