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○■ [buroguneta]: 1 days the moisture which is taken, something is most? While participating as for moisture ......Don't you think? the [u] is the tea is many, (∀) the [e
○■ 06:50 now now temperature 19.2℃/lowest temperature 17.0℃ today's highest temperature 29~30℃ wind nne 2m/s present air temperature 19.2℃, minimum air temperature 17.0℃ maximum air temperature expectation 29~30℃
○■ Moisture replenishment wi ll have been secure is to be expectation, but perhaps doing, the hear stroke?
In the long [me] rest after taking with shade under the tree, already just one running you return home
○■ Because the head was pain ful, although it is the intention of sleeping quickly it is too worst dreaming, me who awake in 1 hours…Wraith of that person being attached, already there is no moisture of the [yada] which the [ru] air does nightmare ~ body it is close and moisture replenishment
○■ Because I of manual labor do moisture replenishment briskly, summer season the one where the quantity is many is grateful
○■ [buroguneta]: As for thos e be sure to have entered into the refrigerator? While participating mineral water (moisture replenishment & medicinal) sparkling wine (mosquito ゙ [sorin] of my [me]) above soy sauce source
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