- Half-life of iodine
http://ameblo.jp/akirya/entry-10836324127.html By the way, half-life is the period when the radioactivity quantity decreases in half 顺便说一句,当放射线数量在一半时,减少半衰期是期间
- To the one which is worried concerning the school lunch of Ashikaga city, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hitoshi1148/e/809e8b48a6be1e28aa5f592a84643acc?fm=rss By the way the greens [tsu] leaf-class of this day is the Kyushu product, a liberal translation 顺便说一句这天绿色[tsu]叶子类是九州产品
- toudaibyouin houshasen chiryou chi^mu �� tsuiki ari ��
http://ameblo.jp/buhipuni/entry-10839976365.html By the way, the lymphocyte to decrease at 500 millimeter sievert, with 1000 10% person the nausea and vomiting 顺便说一句,减少的淋巴细胞在500毫米sievert,与1000 10%人恶心和呕吐
- kahanshin you no mono wo hisabisa ni mita wakaokusama ga kansei wo ageta hanashi toka ��
http://tenmei.cocolog-nifty.com/matcha/2011/03/post-2c69.html By the way, the running of yesterday, a liberal translation 顺便说一句,赛跑昨天
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://tenmei.cocolog-nifty.com/matcha/2011/03/post-94e1.html By the way, now the present food and drink?, a liberal translation 顺便说一句,现在当前食物和饮料?
- Real the story which you cannot sleep, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/szkhanio/diary/201103210000/ By the way, Tokyo tap water at all still all right 顺便说一句,东京自来水仍然好
- March 20th (day) [bu] and coming
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hideyuki5150/e/dc74170d101693744c2d9725899aaf41 By the way, we like also the [katsu] bowl of the Ide chanpeng 顺便说一句,我们也喜欢Ide chanpeng的[katsu]碗
Iodine, Reportage, Science,