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○■ ノーベル化学賞
○■ Vinculado paginas web es tan escritas en japones ,
○■ Whether the two runners-n o, u0026quot;said a parter
○■ u0026quot;Kyo times per s econd,u0026quot; The calculation speed of sale, are now made in the U.S. and the world is 10 times faster than it would 算段
○■ Announced 21 days
○■ After all, u0026quot;scie ntific and technological powerhouse Japan,u0026quot; which could lead to negative conclusions, and senior Ministry of Education, u0026quot;Science and Technology of Japan policy is over,u0026quot; throwing up and abandoned
○■ Noyori, a Nobel Prize. Bu siness sorting outraged at u0026quot;the worldu0026#39;s supercomputers,u0026quot; denied the Sankei Shimbun November 13 19:32 min delivery
○■ This is a welfare content , and content of education is the contents of the medicine is
○■ Kyo times per second, T he calculation speed of sale, are now made in the U.S. and the world is 10 times faster than it would 算段
○■ Noyori says is not exist in our country to survive a world-class science and technology is not
○■ Then, one is a gift to th e world! ! !
○■ Dr. Ryoji Noyori, Nobel P rize winner, the director of the Institute said, nation based on creativity in science and technology is impossible without supercomputers were upset and
○■ Noyori, a Nobel Prize. Bu siness sorting outraged at the world s supercomputers, denied the Sankei Shimbun November 13 19:32 min delivery
Nobel Prize in Chemistry,