- Intake of iodine!!
http://ameblo.jp/ccbofccc/entry-10832403184.html Iodine is the mineral which is included in the kelp and the seaweed of [wakame] and the like O iodo é o mineral que é incluído no kelp e na alga [wakame] de e semelhante
- to situation of urgent being bombed; As for correspondence calmly
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hamutaroumimi/e/ee5e5e0a5bea8694aa571cf2684157be Iodine is taken in to the thyroid gland, but radioactive iodine being in environment by taking in iodine in advance, is saturated the iodic quantity of the thyroid gland, it is the correspondence which it tries not to be taken in to the thyroid gland O iodo é recolhido à glândula de tiróide, mas o iodo radioativo que está no ambiente recolhendo o iodo adiantado, é saturado a quantidade iódica da glândula de tiróide, ele é a correspondência que tenta não ser recolhida à glândula de tiróide
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://ameblo.jp/sayuminiyouz/entry-10829204950.html Iodine is included in seaweed such as kelp and [wa] pot mainly O iodo é incluído na alga tal como o kelp e o potenciômetro [do wa] principalmente
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/goodman2008/e/f585a24544989722ba2de68245ff724b When the iodic ball has been effective, because water quality stabilizes after all, probably will be Quando a esfera iódica for eficaz, porque a qualidade de água estabiliza apesar de tudo, provavelmente será
Iodine, Reportage, Science,