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○■ Even then “coming off, the painful word that we want making about the horse racing critic to have made Yasushi way,”, was recorded before the voice column around ahead
○■ そして年に一度、 じめて暖か... And in year one time, thing of the extension please remember in the day when for the first time warm spring breeze starts blowing, a liberal translation
○■ Up-to-date article [ronri ] “of theatre/playing word” category, the lonely time at last… it probably will persevere! Japan we hibernated,… gradually the beginning of Bai-u? Storm of spring, a liberal translation
○■ 「ダービー&コロ ゃん」カテ... Up-to-date article “of Derby & roller” category * Stormy [itazura] of spring * * It is stomach [peko] what, don't you think? - * * It is strong!! [karenchiyan] * * The roller it escapes * * One scene of the respective spring *
○■ 今日も午後から激 い雨に風
傘... Today and from afternoon pouring the wind umbrella in the extreme rain, the [te] the rain
Spring Storm,
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