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○■ By the way, already with this the investigating time of each [kiyara] the combining which probably is end? Cow angle and sky high investigating time it does also the air which has not been popular, but…
○■ その後レクチャー 参加... After that it participates in lecture
○■ 今日は妹とスーパ に行き食材を... Today super went with the younger sister and supplied the food and cooking did cooking which cannot be said, however (^-^)/[kinpa] it could not wind very well, the taste which reaches the point where it can wind gradually well was tasty of course, is, (' the ▽ `) [nonamuru] [namuru] in cow angle was used and it probably will make. . (//∇//). . It was simple, die you question the ♪♪ and today with the [me] which is birthday of the apple, (^-^) the contribution from /iphone
○■ [buroguneta]: During menu participating which it orders with the burning butcher shop the tongue salt, [karubi] and [harami] ~ [namuru], as for stone burning [bibinba] fixed turn as for such a feeling Japanese burning meat it is tasty - (> When eating with _ American studying abroad, it was harsh truly…[maji] was impressed to the cow angle which was eaten in New York also the Korean burning meat which was eaten with [sanhuranshisuko] well was intense…You ate once more, - it is,, a liberal translation
○■ 牛角やみつきホル ン味噌だれ... Cow angle it stops and is attached hormone miso someone's flavor is strongest
○■ そしてなんと! 今 回は牛角長... And how! This time you photographed the 3d shot especially with cow angular long bundle store revival commemoration
○■ The stopping being attach ed salt cabbage in cow angle the garlic which was used after a long time being effective, however ill-smelling it is tasty, because it is you can buy even with the net which is, also everyone by all means [tsu] non., a liberal translation
○■ 本当に久しぶりだ ロードを走る... It is truly infrequent, it runs the load, how
○■ The comment contribution comment entry column is indicated in, please push the below-mentioned button, a liberal translation
○■ このブログの読者 なる(チェッ... You become the reader of this [burogu], (check)
○■ Yesterday, with the cow a ngular eating at will, [niku] to eat increase passing, coming to diamond city in the lesson of [musume] and the interval of course, increases [wa] today which has become feeling,, a liberal translation
○■ こんばんわ(・&foral l;... It is dense, it is, it is the [wa] (∀ ) It started doing also no tonight!!!! [burogutaimu] of Sasaki dragon work* Thursday the school you go to bed and go to bed with what and take cow angle and the [ru] it is are but and it is [saiko] (- -) [saiko] passing, dvd of [evuangerion] sees, the [tsu] [pa] 1 day day off!!!! If there is an opportunity, while this [ku] [so] of viewing that while being hot, the cooler hitting against the electric fan ringing and eating the powdered tea ice looking at [evua], repelling the guitar, &hellip which it increases; … Don't you think? no barrel luxury REPT (the ▽ `)/there is no laughing echo, … … Recently the everyday way drinking the liquor, it increases, a liberal translation
○■ 2010年4月17日から10 ... From 2010 April 17th limitation opening 9 days to April 25th of 10
○■ So, the salesman, in [tsu ] which probably will leave [chi] [ya] [be] [tsu] [te] [ru] habit, no one look at the entrance difficult, a liberal translation
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